Chapter 2

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Later that evening Kurapika came back with the person who would be Killua's royal guardian or as others would say, his knight.

- Your highness - he stood before Silva who got up and walked towards both males - I present to you, Gon Freecss, he's specialized in hand to hand combat and has a really unique set of skills with weapons that will surely impress you - Silva hummed in response as he walked pass both males going outside.

- Come, young Gon, you shall demonstrate to me what you know out here - the mentioned one followed him eager to show his skills.

Silva called the royal guards and ordered to attack Gon, the raven haired male soon got into position as he was handed a sword, he held it firmly as five of the royal guards charged against him.

The sound of metal was heard as Gon battled against the royal guards, as the minouts went by they were begining to get tired, Gon didn't even brake a sweat, he moved gracefully as their swards crashed and one by one each of the guards was knocked down by Gon. Silva was rather impressed, Gon had actually defeated five of his best guards and that made him consider Gon as an appropriate knight for his young son, but something behind his hazel eyes made Silva wonder, was he really just a normal villager? Or was there something more hidden behind that childish face?

- Impressive - Silva clapped as he approached Gon - Very impressive indeed - Kurapika smiled as he saw how pleased Silva was with Gon - Now Gon, come with me I have some questions to ask you before I assign you as Killua's royal night - Gon noded and followed Silva inside the castle as he looked back at Kurapika who gave him a thumbs up and left to help his partners.

As they walked inside the castle the castle Gon glanced around to see if Killua was around there somewhere but frowned when he didn't see signs of the white beauty.

- So... - Silva took a seat at the table as Gon sat across from him - how old are you Gon? - the mentioned one straightened his posture as he cleared his throat.

- Just turned 21 your highness - he spoke politely as Silva noded putting his hands together.

- Do you have family at the village? - he asked staring deeply at Gon who didn't even flinch at his intense stare.

- My aunt and grandma, my dad came recently to visit - he spoke calmly earning a slight humm from Silva.

- I see - he eyed him carefully looking for any hint of nerves or fear, but nothing which Silva was quite impressed with - anyyy criminal records? - he asked as Gon looked at him calmly.

- No sir, never - he said bluntly, Silva stayed silent for a moment, thinking, he then stood up and called one of his royal guards.

- Knuckle, please take Gon to the royal tailor and tell the maids to clean up the old room that is besides Zushi's - the man noded as he motioned for Gon to follow him and without questioning Gon followed.

They walked outside and went to the back of the castle where a small building was situated, they approached the building and Knuckle knocked on the door.

- Come in - a female voice was heard from the inside as the door creaked open and both males walked in.

- Machi! Hey we need your sewing skills to make an armor for this newbie - Gon looked at him raising an eyebrow.

- Excuse me? - The pink haired woman sighed and giggled.

- Ok, come here - she signalated for Gon to sit, he did and she began taking mesures of his body, Knuckle left to tell the maids to clean what would be Gon's room - ok perfect, now - she brought out a needle with a glowing blue string attached to it - let's start - she grined with a glimor in her eyes and began moving her arm rapidly as if sewing something, but there was no cloth to be seen, Gon was confused but remained silent as he saw the blue thread gathering around him as he soon was surrounded by the blue glowing thread - stand up - he did so and she continued going around him, after about 30 minouts she finished - Now for the final touch - she cut the thread with her teeth and snaped her fingers a blinding blue light engulfed the black haired male as his armor formed on him, it was a perfect fit, perfectly made for him.

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