Chapter 3

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As I just thought I was gonna colapse I saw the glowing lights of the plants signalating that I was close to the enchanted forest, I looked behind me to see that Gon had already catched up.

- Well hello there my dear prince - he grinned as I opened my eyes wide, dumbfounded by his incredible speed and endurance - Headed to the enchanted forest I see - after a while I stoped running as I fell on my knees panting and Alluka sat on the ground beside me as she let out a big gasp and let herself fall flat on the ground, I actually felt bad for making her run so much - Tired already? We haven't even ran that much!! - He wined and pout, I couldn't help but smile internally but soon my smile vanished, I tried to stand up on my quivering week legs.

- W-what are you doing here?! - I whisper shouted since we were technically already in the inchanted garden and I didn't want to disturb the sleeping creatures around us, he smiled rather idiotically.

- Well... Happens to be that you're father hired me as your knight - my jaw dropped, I looked at Gon speechless, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, the guy that I met TODAY was now my guardian and protector... My knight.

I stood silent for a moment, trying to process everything, was this really even happening?

Out of all the people, why him? Precisely the guy that cought my eye over at the village, the guy that made me blush by a single stare I snapped out of my daze when I heard Gon snicker.

- What? - I scowled looking at him.

- Oh nothing - he grined - I just.. feel lucky - I tilted my head obviously confused - well.. I get to be the knight of such a cute prince - I wasn't expecting that, I felt my face heat up.

Third pov

- Sir Gon!! You can't just say those.. things tome! - the white haired boy retorted, Gon pursed his lips and crossed his arms.

- I was just being honest my prince - he spoke in a respectful manor while Killua sighed.

- Whatever - he turned to get his sister to show her around the forest in an attempt to ignore the raven haired male - Alluka? - His eyes shot open when he didn't see signs of his sister - Alluka??!! - Gon was confused at Killua's scream but soon realized what was happening, he could sense Killua panicking.

Killua ran further in the forest, Gon ran behind him.

- My prince!! Do you have something that might hold your sister's scent? - Killua gave him a weird look, was he trying to be a pervert or something?, Gon noticed and sighed irritatingly - I can track her down by her scent! - he blurted and Killua parted his lips in awe, he stoped running and pulled out a baby blue handkerchief.

- She seemed to have dropped this when she wandered off - He gave it to Gon, the mentioned one held the piece of cloth to his nose and sniffed it, he then pulled it away and took a deep cotious inhale from his nose, he then turned toward the river.

- She went this way - he handed the handkerchief back to the white male and began to walk towards said place while Killua followed behind him a bit surprised.

- Alluka's 16 but she still wonders off like a godamn child - the white haired boy protested as Gon only chuckled and continued following her scent, after a while of walking they made it to a cave - D-don't tell me she w-went in there - Killua stuttered nervous as he pointed at the cave, Gon sighed.

- She did - he turned to look at Killua - stay here, I'll go in and get her - Gon heard the faint giggles inside the cave which Killua couldn't catch, of course he couldn't, Gon's audition was abnormally sharp which gave him a huge advantage.

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