How you first meet Part 2 Tony Stark

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This will be done in 2 separate parts per Avenger. Your POV and the Avenger's POV.

Tony Stark

Your POV
You glanced around the wide tree you were hiding behind and saw the bloody battle zone and trembled. You weren't ready for this. You and your siblings were to young but this was Hydras only chance and Pietro said we had to avenge our family by killing Stark. Both Wanda and Pietro were hell bent on killing every Avenger but you kept second guessing yourself. Did the famous Iron Man really send out that bomb personally to attack innocent people? Pietro thought so and he was hot headed so who knows.
"Y/N, come. We have to go fight. I'll take the one with the bow." Pietro yelled, as he zoomed around to you.
You nodded.
"I've got Stark." You said, eyeing the superhero as he flew around blasting the Hydra soldiers to oblivion.
Your sister was waiting in the Hydra base for you to blast Stark to her where she would finish him once and for all.
You saw Pietro fighting the man with the bow and glanced over at Stark again. He was flying your way and had stopped to hover. He cocked his metal head and you could almost see the cockiness flow off of him. "Hey, gorgeous, I think you're on the wrong side! Maybe-" Why was he talking to you? Was he crazy? You had heard enough so you slowly lifted a hand and shuddered. You felt the heat rush threw you and you grimaced. Iron Man glanced down at you and you could tell he was scanning you.
Fire was sparking out of your finger tips but you hesitated. You couldn't kill him. "Blow him out of the sky, Y/N!" Pietro screamed.
So you did. You blasted fire, but Stark flew out of the way and you cursed in Russian. But your dreaded heat wave rushed Stark into a tree where you saw his helmet pop off and he lay, unmoving. You covered your mouth and gasped. After a few seconds you rushed over to where he lay moaning on the ground.
Was he dead? No. His mask was off and he lay there a bloody mess. Stark was unconscious but you noticed his handsome face and your heart rate went up. "Y/N, leave him!" Pietro cried out.
Stark's eyes started fluttering and the loud roar of the mighty Hulk sent your senses back. "What the hell just blew me out of the sky?" He mumbled.
"Good bye. Don't get in my way again." you mumbled and without really thinking, you brushed a gentle finger across Stark's handsome face and made a quick prayer hoping he would be okay.
Then you were off, racing to help your sister. But you secretly hoped that he would get in your way so you could see him again.

Tony's POV
(Ik this isn't the dialogue from age of Ultron but idc)

Scanning the heavily wooded area you raised an arm and blasted away a couple of Hydra's puny soldiers before saying, "Jarvis, get me to that base!"
Your suit weaved it's way towards the big, metal building and without hesitation you accelerated.
You wore a huge smile, imagining the rest of the Avengers face when you single handedly broke into the Hydra base.
"Shit!" You exclaimed as you went spiraling after hitting the force field that protected the base.
From the com that kept your fellow Avengers together you heard Capsicle exclaim, "Language! Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?"
You circled high above the base, now wary of the dangerous force field. Jarvis said in his robotic voice, "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken."
You noticed Capsicle trying to take out at least 50 soldiers at a time and flew down to assist him when Thor said, "Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."
You blasted some of the bad guys and nodded at Mr. America.
Natasha grunted, "At long last is lasting a little long boys."
"Yeah, I think we've lost the element of surprise." Barton yelled.
You hovered above the battlefield and grinned.
"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with fact that Cap just said "language?" You laughed.
Cap sighed, "I know. It just slipped out."
But that's when you saw her. On the outskirts of the fighting was a girl, peering around a tree cautiously. What was she doing? She was walking to this mess!
A blur of white light zoomed past her and you shook your head. You saw the flash again and focused on that.
"Jarvis, what in the name of Thor's
beard is that?"
"That sir, is a human. The fast one is a male. The female is an enhanced specimen. Although I'm not sure her powers unfortunately but her DNA is well, very strange."
"Thanks buddy. Are they good guys or bad guys?"
"Seeing as the male just shot Agent Barton I'm going with bad guys."
You sighed and speedily got closer to the forest floor and knocked out some other hopeless bad guys. You scanned the girl again and held in a gasp when you got close enough to see every detail.
She was beautiful. Her H/C  hair and her E/C eyes seemed to glow radiantly. Her face wore a rough look on her smooth skin and you noticed the stress wrinkles around her eyes seeing as you have them yourself. Whatever Hydra did to her took a great toll on this angel's form. Her stance was wary and her eyes shifty. You flew closer and started to say, "Hey, gorgeous, I think you're on the wrong side. Maybe-"
The girl's eyes widened at your sudden closeness and she raised a hand. And from that hand, you immediately saw the flash of fire hovering and in her control. But you raised your lazer hands to late. Fire blasted from the girl's hands and you hastily zoomed out of the direct blast but you felt the heat wave plow into you. She was so powerful, that she sent the mighty Iron Man tumbling into a tree. And that was impressive.
Your helmet popped off as you felt your body heat up and Jarvis' strangled voice mumble, "Sir, you have been overheated."
And the last thing you saw was the beastly beauty cover her mouth with her hands and you muttered, "I hope I left an impression."
Then blackness.

Rest of the avengers coming soon :)

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