How you first meet Part 2 Steve Rogers

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Steve Rogers


You: Sam what time are you heading out?

Sam: I'll be there around 7:30

You: don't be late again. I have to get to work by 8:45

Sam: Relax! Have you ever known your Sammy boi to be late ;)

You: Um let's think... you were late last time and the time before. And a few times ago you went for a run on Sunday instead of Saturday and we've been running on Saturday for 3 years now

Sam: ok ok I get it. I'll be there

You were sitting in your small apartment, pulling on socks and praying that your best friend, Sam Wilson would get to the monument on time. Every Saturday you and Sam would meet at the Lincoln Monument and then run around the reflecting pool at the National Mall. But Sam being Sam was always late. Probably attempting to flirt with the lady at the VA.
As you were tying your shoes, your 3 month golden retriever bounded into the room.
"Good morning, Braxler. Wanna go on a run?" Your puppy cocked his head at the "r" word and he raced over to the door with a small bark.
Laughing, you picked up your phone and earbuds, grabbed Braxler's leash and walked out to walk to the National Mall.


Sitting on a park bench near the Lincoln Memorial you glanced down at your watch and it read 7:55. Sam was almost 30 minutes late and despite the many phone calls and texts that you had sent him, he wasnt responding to anything. Braxler was getting impatient and he was tugging at his leash, eager to get moving. You sighed and cursed your best friend before saying out loud to your dog, "Well, we should start running since Sam decided to not show up."
You rose to your feet and your pup eagerly whined and tugged playfully.
"Cmon let's go, bud."

After about halfway through your first lap around the reflecting pool you noticed a tall, blonde man walk up to the path in front of you. Braxler noticed the guy too and barked.
"Ooh, bud. Some competition eh? Y'know I've always loved beating the boys. Let's go show this dude how to run."
Oh how you were wrong. As soon as the dude hit the path, he started sprinting. Not just normal sprinting. Like Usain Bolt sprinting. As you jogged you couldn't keep your eyes off him. He was fast.
"He'll burn out fast. We'll catch up."
Well he had now lapped you twice, still sprinting, and every time he passed you he said, "On your left!"
This dude legit was running 30 miles per hour lap after lap. Even you were impressed and that rarely happened.

Lap 3 for you
Lap about 13 for him
It was warming up and both you and Braxler were panting. You had started to sweat like mad. Yet superman over there hadn't broken a sweat or slowed down. He was emerging behind you and he yelled, "On your left!"
You had started getting ticked off about a lap and a half ago so you shouted as he passed, "Next time go right!"

Lap 5 for you
Lap 27 for him
For some odd reason you had now been counting his laps. You couldn't help it. This man wasn't human. He couldn't be. His gorgeous physique and outstanding speed wasn't humanly possible.
"On your left!"
"Yep, I got it! On my left! Okay, that's the 28th time you've said that dude!"
Braxler whined every single time the blondie passed you guys as if to say, "Cmon, Y/N, we can get that guy!"
Ha. Right.

Lap 8 for you
Lap 43 for him
You were pissed. This guy was just downright annoying. So you decided to take matters into your own hands.
Glancing behind you, you saw noticed him about 100 meters away from you but at his pace he was going to pass you in less then 5 seconds.
"Don't you dare! Don't say it!" You practically screamed.
"On your left!"
So you tripped him. At first you were only going to warn him to shut up but your foot had other plans. You stuck your left foot out and leapt out of the way as he sprawled to the ground. You gasped and Braxler barked and ran to inspect the man on the ground when you let go of his leash in surprise.
The man groaned but quickly sat himself up.
"Oh my god, I didn't-wait. You're-youre Captain America."
You realized who you had just laid out and gasped again and covered your mouth. You had just tripped America's hero. Not to mention the hottest Avenger in your opinion.
A million thoughts ran through your mind. Were the Avengers going to arrest you? Was your little crush going to deflate when he thought you were the worst person ever? Was your grandma going to disown you because of her crush on Captain America?
As he rose you hastily grabbed your pooch who was licking his ankles and took a step back. He was over 6 feet tall with an incredible physique and beautiful blue eyes. And even with him lying on the asphalt his perfect blonde hair hadn't been messed up.
He dusted himself off and remarked, "I've fought Nazis and Hydra agents and even aliens. I guess I never thought the thing to knock me down would be a pretty girl."
You blushed at the captain's words and you noticed him blushing ferociously too.
He rubbed the back of his neck and muttered, "I uh, didn't mean to say that out loud."
You both were awkwardly standing there as red as tomatoes. Braxler yipped, breaking the silence.
"Cute dog." Captain America told you.
He reached a hand out to pet your dog.
As he reached his hand out, you saw several actively bleeding cuts on his palms where he had caught himself when you tripped him.
"Oh! Are you alright? I can't believe it. I've made Captain America bleed!"
He glanced at his palms and shrugged.
"Well, I wouldn't of known until you said something."
You couldn't look the man in the eye and you held your dog closely.
"Um, we should get going. I-I have work." You finally managed.
Mr. America nodded and slowly turned around without a word.
You watched him take a few steps and remembered his baby blue eyes. Something stopped you from turning too. He started to jog and you we're going to lose him. So you shouted, "Wait! Captain America!"
He spun around so fast that you sucked in breath at his eagerness.
He started walking back to you and which made you feel flustered and you looked at the ground.
"Um, Captain America sir? Is there anything at all I can do to make it right? Like maybe ah, go out for dinner?"
Your cheeks shined red. The superhero was blushing too and he had a slight grin.
"Of-of course. Uh, let me get your number Ms?"
"L/N. Y/N L/N."
He pulled out a pad of paper and you noticed several strange things on it like:
I Love Lucy
Star Wars
And other countless things that he must of missed. You scribbled down your phone number and blurted out, "You should really add other things. Like Harry Potter. And the Simpsons. We could watch that together. Also Journey. They were great. Probably should do Watergate too."
He chuckled and grinned at you.
"We could catch up on things together." he said.
You nodded happily and practically shouted, "This Wednesday? My house at 6? Text me and I'll give you my address, Captain."
Braxler barked as if to agree.
"Deal. And please, call me Steve, darling."

A/N: I changed me mind. I'm only doing your POV. Other was to much work tbh :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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