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In Green Hill:
Sonic: What a beautiful day it is outside. Wind is breezing, flowers are blooming, and no Eggman to deal with. I wonder what Tails is doing.
Speaking of Tails, he came by with a helmet with a game system
Tails: Hey Sonic.
Sonic: Hey Tails, what's that you got there?
Tails: It's a new system someone brought. It's like a virtual reality game and you can play.
Sonic: Oh really?
Tails: I think that your into it so I wanna give it to you.
Sonic: Thanks Tails. I'll keep it.
Tails: Alright then. I'll have to head back to my lab and work on some inventions.
Sonic: Okay then. See u later, Tails.
Tails flies away as Sonic puts on the other gloves and the helmet on as it says NewWorld Online. A few seconds later, Sonic felt something strange.
Sonic: What the! I can't take this off!
As he tries to take it off, his body was disappearing.
Sonic: Oh no! Am I getting sucked in?
Sonic's body disappears as the helmet fell on the ground.

Meanwhile in a different world:
Girl: It'll be great! It'll be awesome! It'll be the best, so try it!
Girl2: Wha...? Like, right now?
Girl: Of course! Didn't all your stuff arrive?
Girl2: I mean, it's all here, but... you aren't able to play, right?
Girl: Well, my mom's telling me I gotta focus on the next test. So just go ahead and play without me for now! I'll pass you up in a jiffy.
Mom: Risa! The water's ready, so take a bath!
Risa: Okay! She's calling me. Anyways, just give it a go! It's the best! You're totally gonna love it!
Risa ends the call.
Girl2: H-Hey, Risa! Jeez! And here I've basically never played a game in my life... I only bought this because Risa talked me into it. I mean, how can I say no to those sparkling eyes of hers? Oh, well. I'll just set things up.
She puts the gloves on and the helmet as the title screen says NewWorld Online.

In the character select screen:
Sonic: Whoa. What is this? Hmm? A name? Well, obviously Sonic.
Sonic puts his name as it selects its weapons.
Sonic: They're a lot of weapons to choose from.
Sonic then looks at himself as he was wearing beginner clothing. Sonic then sees a fighting glove.
Sonic: Hmm? A fighter will be nice.
Sonic chooses a fighter glove as he then distribute the status points.
Sonic: Oh, status. Let's see... Agility, strength, vitality, intelligence, and dexterity. So I'll be a balanced type.
Sonic did his attributes as he then teleports into the world.
Kaede: Hmm? A name, huh? I've got it! Since my name is Kaede, I'll go with Maple!
Kaede puts her name as she selects her weapon.
Maple: Next up is starting equipment? Great sword, one handed sword, mace, staff... Hmm. I've never been that great at moving around and stuff. Besides, I'd like to avoid getting his since i don't wanna get hurt. Should I just pick the staff and be a wizard? Huh?
Maple sees a shield.
Maple: Offensively lacking, but number one in defense? Huh?! If I raise defense enough, I won't take damage?! Sweet! I'm going with that!
Maple chooses the great shield as she distributes the status.
Maple: Not to distribute status points? Everything I've got goes into defense!
Maple puts all her status points on vitality.
Maple: Okay! I think we're good now!
Maple then teleports into the world. Maple looks around as she was surprised.
Maple: Jeez, VRMMOs sure are something else these days!
Maple then walks as she was walking slow.
Maple: I'm slow! Why?! Oh, yeah! Hmm? Vitality was defense, right? Strength is power, agility is speed... Oh! I can't walk fast because my agility is zero! Whoops! I goofed up big time! What now? Should I log out and redo it since Risa's not here?

5 minutes later:
Maple: Oh, well! Let's fight some monsters since I finally made a character! Um, which way to go?
Maple sees a blonde girl walking by.
Maple: Oh... Um, excuse me? Huh? Excuse me! Um!
The blonde girl turns around.
Girl: Hmm? What is it?
Maple: Um, I wanna fight some monsters, but I don't really know where I should go.
Girl: Oh! You must be a newbie! You're the second person someone talk to me about.
Maple: I am? Who was the first?
Girl: Hmm? It was a blue fellow. He looked like a rookie, also.
Maple: A blue guy?
Girl: There's monsters in the forest to the west. It's a good spot to raise levels at the start. You can just stand around and they'll come right to you.
Maple: Thank you so much! I'll check it out!
Girl: Good luck!
Maple walks off.
A guy walks up to the girl.
Guy: What's up, Frederica?
Frederica: Oh, Drag. I was just telling some newbie girl a spot to get levels.
Drag: Hmm? There's sure a lot of people around these days. Come on, let's get moving too. Payne's already here.
Frederica: Right in time, just as expected.
Maple: Everyone else walks so fast! It's gotta be my agility.
Maple then feels a breeze.
Maple: Huh? What was that?
Sonic was running around the plaza.
Maple: Huh? Is that the blue thing the girl was talking about? Umm, hello!
Sonic: Huh?
Sonic stops next to Maple.
Maple: Are you the blue guy?
Sonic: Well, yeah, I am. Look at me. I'm blue.
Maple: Oh, a girl said you talked with her.
Sonic: Oh, her. I'm guessing you're a newbie too, huh?
Maple: Yeah. Name's Maple.
Sonic: I'm Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog.
Maple: Are you about to fight some monsters?
Sonic: Yeah. You too, huh?
Maple: Yep. Oh, let's add each other?
Sonic: Oh, you can do that? Okay, then.
Maple: You've never done this before, haven't you?
Sonic: Nope, never. You?
Maple: Same here.
They both added each other.
Sonic: Anyway, what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Maple: Yeah!

I hate being in pain, so I'll make a full defense build with SonicWhere stories live. Discover now