Season 4 Chapter 2 - War

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Naruto's POV
I walk over to Boruto and smiled at him as he looked at me confused

"Alright guys! It's time!" I yelled as everyone just looked determined to listen

"The Hanaburi who just took shelter in my son cannot be left alone to live! It's live or death! And we choose life! So will we fight?! Or will we cower in fear for the rest of our lives?!" Hinata yelled to get them persuaded to fight as they all put their hands up in fists to show their fighting spirit

I look at Hinata with as smile knowing she's willing to help out an idiot like me

"Who's with me?!" Me and Hinata yelled to get their answers

They all shouted in confidence because they knew we would win

I was fired up to help save Boruto that I went a little overboard

"LETS GO!" I yelled as we all charged into battle

Boruto regained control at the worst time and ran away from us

"WAIT DAD! STOP! DON'T HURT M-" He tried to say before the Hanaburi got to him

"What are you doing?!" Boruto asks as Osura Hanaburi was revealed 

He grinned and began using familiar hand signs

"I'm getting revenge. So sit back and be quiet!" He said as Boruto got mad at him

"Leave my family alone!" Boruto said as Osura ignored him

"Oh. You all are gonna feel the pain I felt! And your going to feel the same way Mayuri felt when she died by the hands of the '4th hokage'!" He said as dad's eyes widened in shock after hearing about Mayuri

"Kill me if you need to Minato. Just please... spare Osura. He needs to live for all of us." A memory came up for my dad as he fell to the ground in tears

"I... know Mayuri..." He said as our eyes widened in shock

"She was a Hanaburi... and my... little cousin..."

To Be Continued

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