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Ground Control to Major Tom (x3 más)
Hey, tell my mother I really love her ijen nomuna morojyoborin But I'm still feeling perfectly well i gose iljig jongungeborin Please tell me Good Morning narul kewojwo nan kum sog hwanghoragodo to oerowo ne salmun odum sog onuse banjagime swibge chwihe michyo salji
Ground Control to Major Tom Ground Control to Major Tom
Check ignition and may God's love be with you Ground Control to Major Tom (seven, six, five, four) Three, two, one, lift off
This is Ground Control to Major Tom You've really made the grave And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear This is Major Tom to Ground Control I'm stepping through the door And I'm floating in a most peculiar way
Can you hear me (x2 más)
nanun dulyo aju huimihage Can you hear me (Ground Control to Major Tom) Ground Control to Major Tom (Ground Control to Major Tom)