COVER 💜🔥 #2 (SeonHwa)

46 3 2

The Story Never Ends - Lauv

The Story Never Ends - Lauv

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Stick, stick to your stones cause that's all you know
I was caught in the middle
I swallow my words down to the bone
Cause nothing's that simple

Late at night you pour it out
Know that only brings you down

But go ahead give me all the blame
Yeah, twist my words and set them to flame, woah
We all know
That you'll go tell all of your friends
That I'm the one you wish you never met
And woah
We all know

The story never ends
The story never ends
The story never ends

The story never ends
The story never ends

The story never ends

(But go ahead give me all the blame, twist my words and set them to flame, woah
We all know)
The story

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