COVER 💜🔥 #3 (HongJoong)

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Black or White - Michael Jackson

Black or White - Michael Jackson

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I took my baby on a Saturday bang
Boy, is that girl with you?
Yes, we're one and the same
Now, I believe in miracles
And a miracle has happened tonight

But, if you're thinking about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white

They print my message in the Saturday Sun
I had to tell them I ain't second to none
And I told 'em about equality
And it's true, either you're wrong or you're right

But, if you're thinking about my baby
It don't matter if you're black or white

(I am tired of this devil
I am tired of this stuff
I am tired of this business
Sew when the going gets rough
I ain't scared of your brother
I ain't scared of no sheets
I ain't scared of nobody
Girl, when the going gets mean)

Stop call on now
We're not fine

Goligam seggwa seg sai cm
I talk about our life
Ulin da, gatun bich badado dalun bich kal
Sok go sok ko sok inunge seginde
Gunboni mwoga guli jungyohe, edo
Jedo sokgo sok ko sok kyo san isen ginde
Gudi olyobge nanu nun kolbogi silho, no more
What's wrong with you, babe?
Jibo chiwo imi gyok kosjanha iship segi
Jo bagjwi gatun be be
Pyonga lugo bla bla, segenun obsji chegib
Black or White whatever (I don't mind)
Bright and Dark whatever (We don't mind)
Jigus jigushe jom gujum hago All stop

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