Chapter One

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A/N : Hi everyone! This is my first attempt at a novel and I'm happy that anyone would want to read it so yeah thank you! I am currently writing this book and I will be posting a chapter every week/two weeks depending on the feedback I get! It would be really helpful if you could rate me and give me feedback so I can make this better :) 

Thank you again! I hope you enjoy it (btw sorry for grammar or spelling or any mistakes!)

xxx Tasha xxx

Chapter One

It wasn’t the sound of birds that woke me up, but the persistent ring of my alarm. I groaned and swung my arm over my head to smack the snooze button on the alarm clock. I opened my eyes wearily; they were glued together with sleep. I felt awful. That will teach me something about drinking all night I thought. My head was spinning slightly as I stared at the ceiling. I stared at it for a minute, trying to regain my steady vision. And then came on the headache, I knew right then that I was in for a hangover from hell.

The gentle light streaming in from the gap in the curtains would usually be a nice sight, but right now it was making my headache worse. I groaned again, where was my mum with a cup of tea? I turned on my side to face the window; maybe if I stared at the light longer it would wake me up. I looked down at myself; I was still wearing Sophie’s clothes from last night. Come to think of it, I don’t even remember getting home.

Suddenly my phone made a noise, a text. I picked it up and saw that it was from Jake, I wonder what he could want. Before I could open the message I heard a noise coming from outside my room. I turned around in bed to face the doorway and in it stood my little sister Hailee, her appearance caused me to drop my phone.

Hailee was usually a beautiful girl, she was younger than me by two years but she seemed to have inherited our dad’s tall gene as she was just under a foot taller than me. She had long straight dark brown hair, which curled slightly at the ends. Her eyes were her most noticeable feature, they were slightly slanted in a delicate way and her luscious eyelashes framed them perfectly. She had an overall cute look, like a little kid.

But as I looked at her she was far from the girl I just described. The first thing I noticed was the deep red liquid coming from her mouth and down her chin. Blood. I caught my breath, why did she have blood all over her?  She was in her long white night gown, but it was splattered with blood. Her fingers were curling into fists and uncurling in a fast motion. It was too early for this I thought. Hailee was always into acting you see, she would regularly perform for us at dinner, showing us a piece she learned that day or something that she’d created herself. This must be one of her new creations, a horror play or something. I rolled my eyes and rested my head back on the pillow, still facing her.

‘Hun it’s too early for a performance, dinner will be a much better showing time’ I chuckled lightly but she showed no emotion, only a look of anger and hate. I scrunched up my face, I was confused. I propped myself up on my elbow and stared at her; she wasn’t saying anything, only staring at me with eyes that I didn’t recognise as hers.

‘What’s up sis? Did you get out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?’ I laughed nervously ‘Good job on the fake blood by the way, very realistic’ she didn’t seem to notice me talking at all. She wasn’t responding to anything I was saying. Was I invisible or something? My face scrunched up more.

‘Hailee?’ was this really my sister in front of me? I was starting to think not. This couldn't be one of her plays, she would have stopped by now, or maybe she was showing off her amazing acting skills. I really didn’t know. I looked closely at her eyes and noticed that they were severely bloodshot, they were glowing a crimson colour and I immediately went from being annoyed at her to feeling scared. It was almost instant, the change of emotion that I felt towards her, and this urgency scared me more than anything.

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