{ Chapter 15 - Ultimatums }

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"Why haven't we left yet?" Roman said with an angry growl. Remus had been surprisingly quiet throughout this entire process. He hadn't said anything during Logan's explanation of the situation, and now that Logan was sitting at the table, typing away on his computer, Remus just stared at him in silence. To anyone else, it might have been unnerving, but Logan seemed to not mind at all. Remus' strange staring was better than Roman's angry pacing.

"How many people can fit in your car?"


"And how many people do we have going with us?"

"Five, so why can't we just leave."

"How many are we rescuing?"

"Two but-"

Logan quickly turned to look at him. "Unless you would like to put an unconscious Morality in the trunk of your car and attempt to drive him to a safe place, we will be waiting for proper transportation accommodations. Not to mention, Mother Necessity has a way around machines, we will need someone to stay with the car to make sure that it is not tampered with."

"You never got this angry when you were fighting us, what bee has crawled up your butt?"

Logan sighed, he was letting his emotions get ahold of him, wasn't he? Pushing up his glasses Logan looked at Remus.

"Apologies, I have been under more stress than I am used to as of late. I understand the importance of rescuing Morality and the repercussions if we do not also rescue sleep."

"Do you really understand the importance?" Remus' voice was calm and that terrified Logan more than his own parents did. "Because if we don't rescue Patton, or if he is hurt beyond repair, I will take it out on everyone in my path."

That was a threat that Logan did not take lightly. "I understand Remus, but as I said, this adds to the pressure of me feeling the need to perform at an unquestionable level of excellence today."

Remus sat back, apparently satisfied with the answer for now. "Why do you call us by our names but not the others?" Remus pointed to him and his brother, his eyes lighting up. "Do you love us or something?" His personality swung like a pendulum and Logan struggled to keep up with it.

"I... I do not know how to give you a satisfactory answer to that question." There was an expression on Logan's face that he couldn't identify himself, but he knew he had to be careful with his choice of words. He had a reason, but it was not a reason that he was willing to share.

"The truth Mr. Roboto!" Roman was still pacing, apparently getting fed up with Logan. The creative man had thrown his hands in the air, always one for dramatics, but he couldn't give in.

Logan rubbed his eyes. "No."

"What?" Roman stopped pacing. "What do you mean, no?"

"I mean no, I do not have romantic affections towards either of you." Logan's whole body hurt and he was still feeling overwhelmed, having Roman yelling in his ear was not helping. "Now, if the two of you will allow me to continue what I was doing, I need to make sure all of the security measures can be easily taken out once we get to the compound." His glasses sat awkwardly on his face and he went to adjust them, knowing Roman would have more to say on the matter.

"I would expect the villainous spawn of those two to have easy access to something like that."

"Roman, I am not sure if you are aware but I was forced to extricate myself from my family. They are well aware that I am a traitor to their kind. The likelihood of me having access to any of their access codes, much less their security procedures, is close to nil, in fact, it is most likely that my mere presence could cause additional safety procedures to be put in place."

Roman mouthed the word 'extricate' before rolling his eyes. He didn't want to put up with this so he huffed and walked away. Remus, however, went back to staring at Logan. Normally he could ignore it, but Roman's anger and fervor were still running through Logan's head. He understood how important it was to fix all of this. How had he failed to notice that this was an issue for so long? Would he have even been able to save Morality if he had known sooner? Would he have been able to spare the twins from the argument that separated their group? Would Deceit still be working under his parents? What if he didn't succeed? What if this was where his journey ended? There were so many things that he still needed if he wanted to eradicate the threat known as his parents and he no longer had the time and resources to gather them all.

Remus was loudly chewing on a stick of butter, almost intentionally aggravating Logan, and he snapped. "What is it, Remus? What is it you want right now?"

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have your legs eaten off by piranhas that could walk?"

"What?" Logan was snapped out of his spiraling thoughts.

"Or be suffocated by a giant slug?"

His focus was solely on Remus, watching him carefully.

"Because I can do that, if you hurt Roman, I will tear you apart." He smiled happily, shoving the rest of the butter stick in his mouth. "It was funny when I first realized it I assumed my thoughts were just being chaotic like normal, but with you and Roman yelling at each other. It was a moment of beautiful clarity that I rarely get to see." Remus put his hands on the table, a little harshly as he stood up. "After all, a King is nothing, without those whom he serves, right Lo-Lo?"

Logan's face drained of all color as he watched Remus walk away. The mental blockade had been broken and Logan couldn't reconstruct what was already destroyed. This was not part of his plan, how could Remus have heard him this morning? Logan had made sure he was alone. The air seemed to grow thick and Logan couldn't catch his breath. Maybe it was because his tie was too tight, a hand wrapped around his tie, gripping and pulling it down but it didn't help. He couldn't breathe.

His computer alerted him that their driver was here. This changed things. If Remus knew, he was in danger. Logan ran a hand through his hair, trying to calm his thoughts. He didn't have time to allow his emotions to falter. Standing, he fought against his shaking limbs and checked his suit. He didn't have time to focus on the walls crashing down on him. He had everything he needed even... he felt the vial hidden in his breast pocket. He wasn't ready to use it, he had wanted to test it first, but if he needed to, he would. He would not let 17 years of work go down the drain because of Remus.

AN: So many things I want to say, first. As I was writing this I realized I had put an idiom in it and I had to think long and hard about whether or not this Logan would understand idioms. I decided he has a limited knowledge due to his parents never sharing those kinds of experiences with him, and his social isolation in childhood due to his increased intellect and frightening nature. Secondly, do you know how hard it is to not tell you Logan's secret? I could have put it here. I could have shared it right now, and I have almost done so at least 3 times in this book, but I have a specific moment that I want all of you to experience it all. That should be coming up in a few chapters so I only have a little bit longer to wait. Next, you are all so amazing. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate and love all of you. This book has gotten to 500 reads! Do you know how amazing that makes me feel? Like I can not explain how absolutely loved I feel by the fact that you all have gotten the book this far. I hope your year is going great and that you are receiving all of the happiness you deserve!

 I hope your year is going great and that you are receiving all of the happiness you deserve!

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