0.0.1 // A Brief Report on The Cycle of Awakening

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Observations and Notes as recorded by Akious

The purpose of this project was for Arkadon and I to increase our understanding of the awakening of Eternal Machines within Oduin. Specifically, our study included four items requiring clarification. Those items and our findings are below.

Akious' Note // This research was by no means exhaustive, involving only observations and interviews. The casual nature of our research is reflected in the informal documentation below. That clarification aside, we are confident that our findings are accurate.

Location // Prior to the construction of Arien, the awakening of an Eternal Machine could occur anywhere within Oduin. There were no prerequisites, including no requirement for said location to have any level of tangibility. Immediately following Arien's creation, however, all Eternal Machines have woken within close proximity to the tower. In most cases, that awakening has occurred on or near the grassy plain that stretches between the southern entrance and the falls. While we can't definitely state that all future awakenings will follow this pattern, it's reasonable to assume that this is the case and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

Frequency // This was one of the first surprises we encountered when we began our research. Our initial hypothesis was that Eternal Machines woke on their own, adhering to no schedule or pattern. This assumption is false. Awakenings occur no later than every five hundred cycles. We became so accurate at predicting the arrival of new machines that we could host celebrations for them, planning said celebrations days in advance.

Regularity // No Cycle has been missed since our research began, and we have every reason to believe this was true for all preceding cycles.

Quantity // This is the only sliding variable when it comes to an awakening. The average number of machines is two. Not since the great beginning have more than ten awoken at once. Our highest observed number was four. 

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