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trigger warning!

CHAPTER 21 - trigger warning!

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1 month later

What do you do when you find that someone you loved deeply has changed into a completely different person?

do you hope and pray that that person you fell in love with is still somewhere in there? or do you give up and walk away?

I find myself asking those questions quite often.

I couldn't sleep at all that night . All i could do was look at the boy that laid in my bed and try to decipher his actions and feelings.

There would be times like that , where he would blame himself, and times where he blamed me for everything bad that occurred in his life.

It sucks when someone you love is going through a downward spiral and there's nothing you can do to help them.

Caleb stayed sober for about four days after that night. It wasn't long after until he got back to his pattern of drinking and many other things.

I had to check him into a mental hospital two weeks ago after he attempted suicide once again. His parents wouldn't even bother to help him, i had to be the one to take him and sign him in.

I found him, he laid in his bathtub, both wrist slit. He was barely alive. If i had found him any later than i had he would've died . The image is burned into my mind and i don't think i'll ever forget it.

It brought me back to all of the memories with my mom that i tried so hard to suppress.

I went back to school a couple of days ago. It's hard for me to be there when all anyone every talks about is Caleb. I guess when you're popular nothing ever really stays a secret.

I guess i've been stressed lately more than usual. Today is when the english project is due, keeping up with school work, and just everything with Caleb has put a lot on my plate.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the chair beside me screeching. I look up to see Hagen. I've been distant lately, and he's gladly gave me my space since he's no doubt heard the news.

I don't want anyone to look at me differently because of it. I don't want anyone to even talk about it.

"Hey" He gives me a small smile

"Hi" I reply forcing a smile.

I swallow the lump that has formed in my throat due to a few girls giving me weird looks and whispering (not very well) as they past me.

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