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Today is graduation day for the senior class of Overbrook Highschool. All is well, full of peace and happiness, just as it has been for months.

Olivia continued her studies while she was away in recovery so she is able to graduate today.

Speaking of recovery, Hagen was right there waiting for Olivia when she got out. They've been together ever since.

Nathan washed away his "crush" for Olivia by drowning himself in booze and girls. Other than that, he's happy for them.

Noah is well... Noah. "Goofy, charming, and amazing" (as he would put it ). He has been guaranteed a spot at Princeton, which has put him in an even better mood than usual.

Litzy is planning on traveling the word, especially paris, with her mother and continuing on to work at her mothers fashion company.

A feeling of anxiousness and excitement fill the group as they put the final touches on their graduation day looks.



I finish getting ready by applying a coat of mascara on my lashes.

Today was the day, the day i would be graduating. The day where i take one step closer to the rest of my life.

I wait patiently downstairs for Hagen to pick me up.
All though I won't have any family at graduation, having all of my friends around me makes it feel somewhat better.

In less than fifteen minutes, Hagen was outside my front door ready to pick me up.

In a blur of a moment, we arrived at graduation, got all lined up, and walked across the stage.

and just like that, i was finished with high school.

I push my thoughts to the back of my mind as I hold the microphone, ready to speak. Yes, I, Olivia Grayson, was chosen as valedictorian. I was shocked when I found out too, but that's not the point.

I clear my throat before speaking, "Well guys, we did it. We graduated. It's crazy really, one day you're fourteen so scared about entering high school and figuring out what you want to do with your life and just planning for when you're eighteen. And then, in a blink of an eye, that day is today. I know we all can recall the bad and good memories that have occurred during our high-school careers that we'll always hold with us, but soon we'll realize that everything bad that has happened doesn't matter anymore. As we grow into an adult, we realize that everything that happened in high school doesn't define us. We have the rest of our lives to decide who we are and how we want to live. So here's to the next chapter of our lives, I know we all will do wonderful things. "

The audience claps and applauds before a voice is heard from the crowd, "I have something to say".
Making us all turn and look around confusingly.

Hagen stands up and makes his way up on the stage .

I look at him questioningly, "what are you doing?" I whisper to him

He reaches for the microphone and I hand it to him.

"Olivia Grayson. I am so in love with you. Truly I am, and I fall even harder every single day. There is no person I'd rather spend the rest of my life with. No one i'd rather wake up to in the mornings. No one i'd want to share my pain, my happiness, my success, my failure with, than you. -" He gets down on one knee, "So Olivia Makenzie Grayson, will you marry me?" He ask as he pulls a box out of his gown, flipping it open to reveal a diamond ring. 

Tears pull down my cheeks, but this time, they're happy tears.

I nod my head, unable to form words. He takes the ring from the box and slides it on my ring finger. He stands up to pull me into a hug and then places his lips on mine.

The crowd cheers, applauds, and hollers.

For the first time in my life, everything felt perfect.
All the years of pain and suffering has led me up to this moment.
I have no doubt that Hagen is the person i'll be spending the rest of this game of life with, and from this time forward i'll be playing for keeps.



hi angels :(
this is the last chapter of playing for keeps.
i might throw in a bonus chapter of a flash forward if you all would want that.

also would you all be interested in a sequel
about nathan? lmk !

thank you all for supporting and reading my story !
i love you all
- ora <3 :,)

ps. i have another book called "bittersweet"
and if you'd want to check that out,
i'd really appreciate it! :)

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