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if u seek amy

The three were lifted up from the platform as cheers and screams of his name echoed around the arena. Taehyung smiled widely, waving as he put his mic up to his lips.

"How is everyone tonight?!"
Everyone screamed in response as Taehyung giggled. "We're going to have fun all night!"
He heard his own song start to play as the three walked off the platform and into the center stage, followed by other backup dancers.

He started to sing along to his song. Sometimes he would point the mic to the audience and let them sing. He would give people the mic for a short while as they screamed the lyrics into the mic as Taheyung watched with a wide smile.

Halfway into the concert, his hit song,-'Singularity' was about to play as the backup dancers helped him out of his sailor suit and into the new outfit. Even some other backup dancers gawked at him in awe.

He had black laced cat ears on his head, black lingerie torso, the linings of the lace made skin show through the mesh, black opera-length laced gloves and black thigh highs.

"How do I look?"
Everyone nodded in approval as Taehyung smiled.

When the beat of his song started to play, the dancers dispersed from all around him, making him visible to the crowd.

He smirked sexily as everyone started to scream as loud as he can. Somewhere in the crowd he heard a male say, "Please fuck me!"
He giggled and turned to the direction he heard the comment. "I'll take you up on that offer!" He said through the mic as everyone started to scream again.

Compared to his normal talking voice, his singing voice was rather low and velvety.
He started to sing the lyrics low and slowly as he gave a slow catwalk on the stage.

He swayed his hips with the rhythm of the music while closing his eyes and just feeling the song.

On a beat drop, he slowly squatted down, touching up his thighs as he smirked before standing back up.

He heard lewd comments being screamed at him. Some people in the front looked like they were going to faint.

The song finally came to and end as Taehyung smiled at everyone. His concerts last 1 hour and 30 minutes, [not including the soundcheck] so he sometimes left the last few minutes to dancing.

"We have 20 more minutes. How 'bout I do some dance covers?!"
Everyone cheered, "Yes." in sync as Taehyung
smiled and nodded.

He had a minute to cool off backstage when Yoongi pulled him to the side.
"Jongin's injured."
Taehyung's eyes widened. "What? What happened?"
"He sprained his ankle."
Yoongi took Taehyung to where Jongin was currently resting.

"T-Taehyung. I'm so sorry. I s-should've been more careful,—"
"Nonsense! Your well-being is more important. I want you to rest, okay? For the mean time, does anyone else know the dances apart from Taeyong?"

Taeyong raised his hand as Taehyung beckoned him to speak.
"The new recruit was there to help us with the choreography. I'm sure he knows it."
Taehyung's eyes lit up as he nodded.

"Yes! Bring him!"
Taeyong nodded as he ran to go find Jongin's replacement.
"I want you to rest, okay? Don't worry about anything right now." Taehyung said softly to Jongin as he nodded. Taehyung blushed his hair before getting back up.

He took a big gulp of water before facing Yoongi.
"You were great out there, Tae."
Taehyung smiled and hugged him. "Thank you."

The brunette then ran into the labyrinth to be placed on a platform.
"What is the first song again? S-sorry. I'm a bit dazed."
One of the staffs looked at her clipboard before answering his question.
"If U Seek Amy—Britney Spears."
"Oh. I love that song.  She's so subtle and clever."
The staff nodded in agreement as he was lifted onto the stage by the platform.

He spotted Taeyong at his left and smiled softly before looking to his right.

He was now fully aligned with his main backup dancers.

He peered to the right and his breath hitched as the music started to play. The two men started to approach him but he had his eyes on the raven.
He wore a sheer black top that lead into a V down his chest, black silk pants that accentuated his small waist.

As rehearsed, the dancer on the right practically had his face in Taehyung's neck, his hands on his waist.
But tonight was different with a different dancer.

Now he wasn't going to lie, Jongin was hot. But the male next to him right now had this gravitational pull to Taehyung as the brunette slowly faced him.

He wrapped his arm around the male.

He had black hair with weird highlights at the end. The dancer then looked up at Taehyung's eyes as they started to slowly move in place to the new beat of the song.

The two stared at eachother before Taehyung's eyes darted down to the man's soft pink lips. Teeth escaped them and bit down on his own bottom lip as Taehyung then looked back up to the male, seeing as he was also looking down at his lips.

The man muttered something. It was too loud to distinguish what but Taehyung had read his lips.


He didn't know if it was out of impulse. Or if he even cared. Hell, he didn't even know his name. All he knew was that the Sexual Tension in the air was thick and he needed to do something about it.

But one thing was for sure, he didn't regret leaning forward, placing a deep kiss on the male's lips.

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