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San sat on the bed, having finally finished cleaning the apartment. His boyfriend, Changbin, wasn't the nicest person when upset. So, the last thing he'd want was another reason for his boyfriend to hit him. He sighed and pulled out his phone, sitting on their shared bed.

Wooyoung: Bby.

Wooyoung: Is it safe to text you?

When San noticed the text he smiled, instantly relaxing.

San: Hiiii

San: Yes bby it's safe

Both boys continued to text for what seemed like forever. Honestly, San wished it was forever as he was smiling like a little kid the whole time. His smile left though as soon as he heard the front door shut. Without saying goodbye he turned off his phone and shoved it under a pillow just as Changbin walked in. He jumped when the door opened and immediately turned his full attention to the other. Changbin smiled upon seeing the other and climbed onto the bed, placing a hand on San's cheek, "Hey baby." The boy forced a smile.

"Hey Binnie. How was the concert?" He tried his best to sound genuinely curious. He cocked his head and Changbin reached down to hold his hands, rubbing his thumbs on the backs.

"It was fun. Did my baby do his jobs?" San nodded, Changbin smiling, "Good boy." The black-haired male placed a kiss on San's forehead, "Where's your phone at Sannie?" Changbin furrowed his brows as he watched panic slowly rise in San, the boy trying to stay calm, "I checked my bag at the concert and it wasn't there." Changbin smirked as he watched all colour leave San's face as he searched for words. His hands slid to San's wrists, holding tighter and tighter by the second. He hummed, "So? Did you take it while I wasn't looking?"

"I don't know where it is." Changbin pulled him closer, San flinching on instinct, "I-I swear. I d-don't have my ph-" San stopped talking upon receiving a slap. San tried to pull his wrists away in a kind and gentle manner, hoping not to upset Changbin any further. This resulted in Changbin gripping his wrists tighter in one hand, "Changbin please.. You're hurting..." His voice trailed off when he made eye contact. Anger and jealousy.

Trigger Warning: Abuse(Skip if needed)

"You were talking to him again, weren't you?" San shook his head in a harsh manner, almost giving himself whiplash. Changbin gripped his throat, squeezing so San just barely had air. San hit at his arms, nails digging into Changbin's wrist as he tried to pry his hand away, trying to push Changbin away, "You're such a goddamn whore." San struggled to breath properly and tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Changbin... p-please.." Changbin watched San struggle a bit longer before tossing him to the floor and watching the boy go into a coughing fit as he gasped, trying to ease his burning lungs. Changbin tossed pillows on the floor and grabbed San's phone, shoving it in his pocket. Just as San had caught his breath it was knocked out of him again from a kick to the side. He covered his mouth as he tried to stay quiet. Last time he yelped the neighbors heard and the police were called. That didn't end too well for San. Changbin crouched and gripped San's jaw, forcing him to look at him, "Changbin I don't-"

"When are you going to stop lying to me? This wouldn't have happened if you left it with me. You're absolutely pathetic. A good-for-nothing slut."

Continue if skipped

San had been silently crying from the pain, the words adding more hurt, "Just stop already. I've barely touched you." Changbin stood up and San forced himself to hold his breathe to quiet himself. San stayed staring at the ceiling, holding his side. He waited until Changbin left and the front door shut to let out a sob. His back ached from hitting the ground, his throat burned, his eyes were sore, and his side pulsed every now and then with a shot of pain. His wrists singed with pain and every time he tried to move his side reminded him to stay still. He took deep breaths in an attempt to calm down. After a few minutes he stood up, wincing from pain, and sat on the bed, letting his body fall onto the mattress.

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