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"Where's Wooyoung and San?" Mingi furrowed his brows as he leaned against the wall. He spoke over the blaring music. Yunho shrugged.

"Most likely not coming. I texted Wooyoung  earlier if he was coming. Apparently, San broke up with him. He's torn." Mingi choked on his drink and looked at Yunho, brows furrowed, "Chill. And before you ask, I don't know why."

"Ok. Where's Seonghwa?" Yunho paused to think and Mingi sighed, "What he break up with Y-"

"Family emergency. Grandma is in the hospital."

Seonghwa smiled at the receptionist as he was walking out, not paying attention and putting some money in his wallet. He bumped shoulders with someone which caused them to drop what they were holding. Seonghwa instinctively bent down to pick it up, noticing the nametag read Choi San. He looked at the male as he handed the box back, "You know San? Choi San? Has brown hair, looks like a sweetheart." The male furrowed his brows.

"Yes.. How do you know him? I'm his boyfriend." Seonghwa raised his brows and cocked his head, forcing a smile as it clicked.

"I'm one of his friends. Park Seonghwa. Did something happen?" The male nodded.

"A, uhm, a break-in. San got hurt. I'm Seo Changbin." Both males shook hands.

"Could I go with you to see him?" Changbin seemed to freeze this time and nodded slowly with a smile. Seonghwa followed Changbin to San's hospital room. He slipped his phone from his pocket. Once they got to his room Seonghwa stayed outside, claiming to have to call his grandpa. Changbin nodded and went in. Seonghwa stood on the other side of the wall, dialing 3 digits, "Hello? 119? Yes I'd like to report a case of domestic abuse."

4 Days Later

San jolted awake, the beeping of the heart monitor causing him to wince. He looked around, registering that he was in a hospital room. Once his vision fully cleared he noticed Seonghwa sleeping in a chair and Mingi sleeping in another. He hummed and looked around. He noticed an empty notepad and ripped out a page, crumbling it and throwing it to the older. The crumpled ball hit Seonghwa's head and woke him up with a jolt. San chuckled a little, just then realizing he had an oxygen mask on. Seonghwa looked around and noticed San was awake. He msiled and walked over, taking a seat next to the hospital bed, "Hi hyung."

"So you're finally awake. You've been out for four days." San furrowed his brows as he adjusted.

"Wooyoung's probably worried.. Where is he?" Seonghwa went silent and sighed, "Hyung? Where's Wooyoung?"

"Wooyoung.. He, uhm, he doesn't know you're here. At least to my knowledge he doesn't know. All I know is Changbin texted him pretending to be you and broke up your relationship. The others.. They learned about the abuse." San frowned, "They saw the cops drag away Changbin when I called them here." The youngers eyes widened.

"H-he's arrested..?" Seonghwa nodded and San felt like he could cry. For once cry from happiness when hearing something involving Changbin, "Thank you.." Seonghwa hummed and smiled.

"I'll go let the nurses know you woke up. Do you want me to wake Mingi?" San shook his head and left. The door opened a few minutes later and San assumed it was Seonghwa.

"That was fast." He had taken the notepad and a pen and was drawing on it, not paying much attention to anything else.

"What was?" San jumped and looked up to see Wooyoung smiling at him and taking a seat next to him, "Hi baby." Wooyoung held San's hand, smiling, "I missed you."

"I-I thought you didn't know." Wooyoung shrugged.

"You know they can't keep things to themselves half the time. Especially when it's about us." San chuckled and his grip tightened on Wooyoung's hand, "Changbin got arrested but I'll assume either Seonghwa or one of the others told you that." San hummed and nodded, "While you were out, and I hope you don't mind, but Seonghwa was given the key to your apartment and he gave it to me. I may have moved your things to my house. We may have to go to the apartment in case I missed anything though." San chuckled and the two continued talking, neither noticing Mingi haven woken up and left to give the two privacy.

"I'm sorry. I should've ran when he.." Wooyoung shook his head and planted a kiss on San's cheek.

"It's ok baby boy. As long as your safe."

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