Chapter 3: Friends

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Three things worse than Tododeku.

1. More tododeku

2. Even more Tododeku

3. People who drive to slow.

Izuku woke up and slapped his alarm clock and got up. He immediately got dressed,not in his hero outfit, but in street clothes.

His agency had several rules, one of which was you can't wear your hero outfit unless you are on duty. Going to the agency was not considered on duty.

Izuku grabbed everything he needed and stepped out of his room to find Ochako doing the same.

"H-hey Ur-Ochako!" Said Izuku.

"Hey Izuku! Are you going to work? " Asked Ochako as she locked her door and closed it.

She then walked over to where Izuku was standing.

"Yeah. I don't really get a lot of days off. Since I'm the number one hero and all" Said Izuku as he scratched the back of his head.

"I don't either since I'm trying to do everything I can to help my parents. " Said Ochako.

" Well at least you are doing something admirable" Said Izuku.

" Yep! Do you want to go downstairs together? " Asked Ochako.

" S-sure" Said Izuku.

Izuku and Ochako stepped into the elevator and started going down.

"Hey Izuku?" Said Ochako.

"What is it Ochako?" Asked Izuku.

"Does being a hero pay a lot? " Asked Ochako.

" Well not like a ton to be rich but I would say more than most jobs do. Why do you ask? " Asked Izuku.

" Well I just think it's kinda weird that you would be living in a apartment when you could just live in a house" Said Ochako as the elevator reached the lobby and they both stepped out and went outside.

"W-well I guess I don't really need a big house. I live alone so it's not like I need a lot of space or anything. Plus it gives me some privacy since I don't stick out with a big house" Said Izuku.

" Do you get lonely? " Asked Ochako.

"Sometimes. My mom and friends come visit but that isn't often. What about you? " Asked Izuku.

" Well my parents live in another city. I send them money whenever they can. I don't really have much friends or anything. So I can get lonely sometimes whenever I'm not working" Said Ochako.

" Well if you want to I could come over some and keep you occupied" Said Izuku.

He then had a Blush on his face.

"I-i-i-im sorry. T-that came out wrong!" Said Izuku.

" N-no it's ok. I would actually really appreciate it. Also we still have that hangout on Saturday" Said Ochako.

" Yeah we still need to talk about where we are going" Said Izuku.

" True but we should probably get going to work now" Said Ochako not really wanting to leave.

"O- oh right. Well I will see you later O-ochako" Said Izuku.

"See ya I-izuku" Said Ochako as they both went different ways.

Izuku didn't live to far from his work agency so he got there in under 10 minutes just from walking.

He walked in his agency to see Melissa as the receptionist desk.

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