Chapter 7: Telling

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Izuku woke up bright and early. He grabbed everything he needed and headed out to work. On the way he noticed a text from his mom.

Inko: Izuku I'm so so sorry I haven't been able to text you lately! Me and your father just have been to busy on the cruise that you paid for!

Izuku: Mom it's alright! I've been really busy myself with work and friends.

He would regret that last part instantly.

Inko: Did you finally get a girlfriend? You know me and your father are still waiting for grandkids.

Izuku: MOM! No I haven't and even if I did it would be to early for a grandchild!

Inko: C'mon I've been waiting for so long! You have to at least have a crush.

Izuku: Well I did meet someone.

Inko: There you go! Tell me about her!

Izuku:Oh sorry mom I have to go to work bye love you!

Inko: Love you too ;)

' Jeez mom. ' Thought Izuku making his way inside the agency.

"Hey Midoriya!" Said Melissa.

"Hey Melissa. Anything happen yet?" Asked Izuku at the counter.

"Not really. Since Bakugo is out with Camie things have been quiet today" Said Melissa.

" I-i meant with hero work" Said Izuku.

" Oh of course! Silly me. Nothing big. Only thing we got was someone locked themselves out of their house,which Ilda went to take care of" Said Melissa.

" Alright thanks Melissa" Said Izuku heading to the stairs.

" Wait Midoriya! How was your date?" Asked Melissa. Izuku turned a light red.

"W-w-what a-a-are you talking a-about?" Asked Izuku turned back to face Melissa.

" Todoroki said that you didn't go to the parade yesterday cause you were out with a girl. Wasn't that a date? " Asked Melissa.

" N-no it wasn't" Said Izuku still blushing.

" That's not what Mina said. Well anyway you can go ahead and head upstairs" Said Melissa.

Izuku nodded and continued back on his journey up the stairs. He reached the top floor and saw Mina and Sero in the room.

"Hey Mina, Sero" Said Izuku sitting down.

"Hey Midori" Said Mina.

"Hey Midoriya" Said Sero playing his Nintendo switch.

"What are you guys doing?" Asked Izuku.

"Just chilling. It's been really quiet today. I wish something would happen" Said Mina stretching.

" You shouldn't say something like that Mina. It's a good thing for it to be peaceful and if something happened someone might die or worse" Said Sero from his game.

" I didn't mean it like that! I just.....You know what I'm changing the subject, how was your date Midori? " Asked Mina.

" Why does everyone think it was a Date? " Asked Izuku upset.

" You went out with a girl. Alone. For a whole day. Why wouldn't we think that? " Asked Mina.

" Because we are just friends! And she is to busy for a relationship anyway" Said Izuku.

" Midori you see me and Kirishima together, and we aren't to busy. If we can do it I'm sure you can" Said Mina

" She is right.  And it's not like your not allowed to date as a hero" Said Sero putting his game down.

" We either way we have only know each other for a short time. I can't just rush into something" Said Izuku.

" Of course not, but it doesn't hurt to have feelings. " Said Mina.

" I never even said I had feelings! " Said Izuku.

"Suuuuureeee you don't. Every other girl we try, you just blow it off within a few days but you have been taking to her for over a week. Does that mean anything? " Asked Mina with a smile.

'Damnit she is right. At least Ochako can't be teased ...I think'Thought Izuku.

* Meanwhile.

"It's not like that!" Said Ochako with her face buried in her hands.

"How so?" Asked Asui looking at her blushing friend.

"We're just friends! That's all!" Said Ochako.

"Hmmm. I think your notebook says otherwise" Said Asui holding it.

" Nobody was supposed to see that! " Said Ochako.

" Then get a lock or something. And there is nothing wrong with liking a guy. He seems pretty nice" Said Asui.

" Well he wouldn't like me anyway" Said Ochako taking her face out of her hands.

" Why is that? " Asked Asui.

" Because I'm quirk less! Why would the most powerful number one hero be interested in someone who is so powerless!? " Said Ochako.

"..... " Asui couldn't think of anything to say.

"Asui. Why didn't you become a hero?" Asked Ochako who had a few tears.

" What do you mean? " Asked Asui.

" You have a amazing quirk! You're basically a frog! Why didn't you try be a hero? " Asked Ochako wiping away her tears.

" Because I didn't want you to be alone Ochako" Said Asui.

" I would have been fine" Said Ochako.

" Nah. Besides were friends. I would never leave you" Said Asui.

" Thanks Asui. I appreciate it" Said Ochako.

" No problem. And honestly from what you have told me he doesn't sound like the kind of person to reject you because you don't have a quirk" Said Asui.

" Yeah you're right! Okay I will ask him out!" Said Ochako with a balled up fist.

"Are you going to do that soon?" Asked Asui.

"Probably not. I don't want to rush anything. I still want to get to know him" Said Ochako.

" That's understandable. We should probably head back to work now" Said Asui picking up her helmet.

" Yeah let's go" Said Ochako putting her helmet on and going back to work.

Will she confess or will I just drag this out like bleach?

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