Gaining trust

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Hours passed as the medical droid started sewing up the wounds from the support bars. The medical bed was a bloody mess but the bleeding had finally stopped and a few IVs in the young force sensitive kept him able to slowly regain his fluids. The droid rolled over and propped the leg on a clean pillow and removed the bloody sheets and threw them in the trash before unlocking the door. Ezra still sound asleep the others came in and seeing the sew marks , "gezz that kid took a beating and still kept on chugging." Zeb said, that's when Sabine came in and pushed kanan aside, "med droid what's his condition?" Sabine asked as she was about to prepare a glass of ice water, "he needs rest and if he does wake he needs plenty of nutrients, he's lucky he barely survived, I scanned him and he has injuries from way before this from broken bones to at one point internal bleeding." The medical droid responded with which Sabine dropped the cup and it shattered.

Ezra in deep sleep (memory from a few months back)
"My boy sit." The cartel told the gray haired blue eyed boy. "Yes Captain" Starkiller responded as a monkey lizard climbed on the cartels desk. "Here's plenty of credits to celebrate after your actions today capturing another ship for our operations." The cartel leader said which he got off his chair and went to a shelf and dug out a old bottle and all dusty. "A toast my friend... to good times ahead." The cartel leader said as he poured two drinks which they clanked their glasses and starkiller downed the glass of strong alcohol easily but this was his chance the cartel poured himself another drink but this time with Starkiller using the force stopped the fluid from going completely down his throat and started force choking the leader slowly. "Where's the rest of your profits you scumbag." Starkiller said as he got up and the lizard Monkey got ready to jump at him but he swatted the annoying creature on the ground. "Behind the shelf with dats chips to any other contac..." the cartel tried finishing but Starkiller used the fluid like a water jet from the inside out and cut the leaders wind pipe. Star killer released the slowly dying cartel leader on the floor beside his desk as his drink slowly came out of his mouth with a red tent of blood. Walking over to the shelf he threw it on its side slamming on the lizard monkey attempting to flee but was smashed under the steel shelf and whatever trophies from raids. There it was a decently sized safe which star killer opened the safe using the force and found credits, blasters and a few lightsabers. "Now I can get to work haha." Star killer smirked. Closing his eyes he sensed the busy activity outside the room that was completely not aware of what just happened to their leader, he sensed people getting high off spice and drunk to the captured women used as slaves of the last raid. "All to easy." Starkiller said as he walked towards the door and without as much as a sweat he sent the door flying through the air bouncing off corners. A few guards were immediately dismembered and sent organs flying everywhere then a drug smuggler with one of the woman cane around the corner which the door just broke apart and impaled them sending blood everywhere and the woman let out a terrifying scream through the whole facility. The ones that were decently functional grabbed their blasters and ran towards where they heard the screaming. As the squad neared the bloody scene they saw a black robes figure standing in front of them and behind him was shards of fine lined steel impaled all throughout both of the people's lower body's. Starkiller sensed fear which he ignited his lightsaber "no mercy to the enemies of the empire!" Starkiller yelled the group opened fire but the two lightsabers green and and yellow deflecting back at the group of cartel effortlessly and he made sure they would suffer and he targeted their lungs and kidneys which they let out a painful screaming. He walked by them effortlessly not even touching them as puddles of blood soon formed wjere they lay. The next door opened to a big room with a bar and training area and just to hangout at. The humming of his lightsabers made the room fall silent, all the cartel on the junk heap planet were in terror cuz they thought they were dreaming when they heard the screaming but now utter terror made them stop what they were doing. A few who were trying to sneak out of one door immediately got their door shut on them cutting one twi'leks arm off spurting blood everywhere. Using his two fingers he shut the other doors. "Now everyone is in here how you wanna go, execution by firing squad or wanna try against me hahaha!!" Starkiller yelled laughing insanely. The few women jumped behind the bar for safety in their slave outfits but little did they know it wouldn't matter if there was 50 armed men between the figure that was in the room. Tables were thrown on their side as the pirates drew their weapons and the bar tender dug out a heavy rotary blaster from the clone wars. "FIRE... ON THE JEDI!" A pirate yelled but his bolt was deflected back straight into his eye sending spurts of burnt blood and eye onto the floor followed by the limb body. Now fear flowed through the room and Starkiller embraced it. With a flick of his wrist he threw his blue lightsaber at the bartender and landing in the Wookiee's hip followed by a roar of pain the lightsaber slowly went up burning flesh and the creatures hair caught fire but Star killer wanted his lightsaber back so he sent the blade straight up cutting the beasts arm off as he slumped behind the bar island he slowly burned alive still roaring in pain. "Anyone else?" Starkiller asked which all the others stood up dropping their blasters which Starkiller holstered the lightsabers and with both hand roughly 20 cartel members started floating in the air trying to breath but without a second thought he gripped both hands tightly was quickly followed by the sound of bones cracking and breaking which was all the racks of ribs on every one of them turned into sharp points and sent to impale the inside of their bodies. One by one they fell limp and when the final one died he dropped them all with a load thud which one of the slave girls popped her head over the bar but that was a mistake and Starkiller stretched his hand out sending the metal island flying into them crushing them all. A evil smirk soon came across Starkiller as he stepped over the dead bodies and he used the force to open the door to the hanger. "Master it's dealt with no witnesses." Starkiller reported to his master before jumping into a really nice republic shuttle of the cartel. As he flew off another massive transport flew but he did his part and it was a smuggler from the outer rim named vizago who hasn't caused any problems for the empire yet.
End of memory

Ezra slowly woke up to see everyone looking at him. "What?" Ezra asked, "why are this mangled up kid... not your leg but the rest of your body?" Which kanan questioned as he placed on the kids chest, Ezra trying to sit up was stopped by Sabine on his left side, "Ezra answer his question this position please." Sabine demanded which it was the first someone ever asked him to do something nicely. "I don't wanna talk about, I lost my parents when I was young but I've been living on my own since I was seven, I found out I was force sensitive when I was cornered at some space port." Ezra responded with genuine softness but in reality he was straight out lying but it was from all the brutal training by Vader and every day was forced to be tougher and tougher. Kanan raised his hand off the young boy knowing how familiar he was to Ezra he thought cuz he was in the same position after order 66. Kanan , Hera , Zeb and chopper left the room but Sabine didn't, "Ezra don't worry about them, they're good hearted people it'll take time for them to trust you but I trust you as friend and if you wanna talk about anything I'm here." Sabine told him after kissing him on the forehead and followed by "get some rest, the medical droid is controlling your meals for sometime to rebuild your strength." She added which she got off the side of the bed and grabbed her helmet and walked the med bay.

Ezra laid back thinking 'she bought the lie and so did the guy Kanan who looks to be the leader, but why do I feel so sick inside like I'm guilty of something that I've been trained to do.' Ezra thought to himself that's when the droid brought him fried fruit and vegetables with Ewok jerky and rancor broth followed by a few pills to increase calcium and Vietnam D. He finished quickly but his stomach hurt and was clearly hungry so the droid mixed him up a smoothie to try calming his stomach and it helped some and he started to feel tired again, little did he know the droid mixed in sleep pills for the young boy so he could actually rest.

Back in the commons the Spectres were talking, "Sabine he's obviously a liability right now due to his injuries." Kanan argued but that's when Hera came in on a data pad and sat down with a concerned face , "guys I don't how to explain this but I came across this looking through old files." Hera said as she tossed the pad in the center of the table. On it, it said MISSING EZRA BRIDGER, Sabine grabbed it and started reading it.

Will the ghost crew find about his secret or will Starkiller keep the lie long enough to achieve the mission of eliminating the rebels.

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