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I thought I was free. Free to be my own, free to take action on a whim. Free to experience the euphoric sensations of unleashing my soul unto the world to experience all and everything, good & bad, righteous & evil, pure & tainted, those all in between. The sense of becoming one's own brings a mountain range of unrelenting curiosity and the ambition to garner enough courage to see through one's curiosity. In one's infant mind, nothing seems linear. It's almost impossible to just to see one route in an adventure that has been tailored specifically for you. With that, I choose not to believe in fate, only destiny. I am destined to make my own decisions and reap the consequences that come, as well as the benefits that blossom forthwith. I choose to believe that my free will isn't bestowed upon me to merely walk a life that has already been chosen for me. In which case what is the point of one's own life if your journey is already laid out for you? Why choose to be a character in a story of simplicity & mediocrity where you merely act out a life that has already been written for you? That's a life I'd rather bequeath to one who truly doesn't know how to express one's freedom. Give it to the office intern, whose sole purpose is to serve those above him, his days never-ending. Give it to them, the all under deserving shells of human life that don't know how to appreciate one's time, limited time in fact, on a world with endless opportunity. For it is the ones that sit at the table of kings that feast upon the bounties of the world. The few who truly grasped what it is to be free. For those are the ones who are etched in the halls of history, destined to be remembered. Unfortunately, nothing in this life is given gratis, for everything has a price. Freedom has its costs and somebody has to pay for it. I for one don't pay for anything, anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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