~{Chapter 1}~

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( No one's P.O.V )
It was lunchtime everyone was eating and talking but after a bit, an alarm went off. The 2nd & 3rd years start to run out of the lunchroom, while some of the 1st years were confused. Iida grabs a random person's wrist and asks what was going on the person responds with "Someone has infiltrated the building.". The guy ran off, Iida, Uraraka, and Midoryia ran out of the lunchroom into a hallway with big windows and yelling children. After a bit of Midoryia, Iida, and Uraraka staying together, Midoryia got washed away by the crowd saying "Oof am going down!!" As Iida and Uraraka yelled his name.
( Midoryia P.O.V )
I was getting washed away from my friends as I hear my name get called I start to freak out more. After a bit of swimming through the crowd, I see Iida fly above the crowd. I was trying to get a little bit closer to Iida, I bump into a girl and my vision starts to go black.
( Random girl P.O.V )
'Oh no...' I look down to see a green blob moving around I pick him up then I look around and there is smoke all around us. I then hear a guy say "EVERYTHING'S FINE!! IT IS JUST THE PRESS! THERE'S NOTHING TO PANIC ABOUT. WE'RE FINE!! THIS IS U.A.!!! BEHAVE IN A WAY BEFITTING THAT THIS GREAT INSTITUTION!!". Luckily not that many people we're paying attention to me, and this toddler that looks confused, some people were paying attention to where the smoke was. I could hear people say what was going on over here but I was more focused on the boy that was about to cry. Then the same guy that yelled at all of us said "HEY!! WHAT'S GOING ON OVER THERE!!!!" I just yelled saying " OH UH MY QUIRK JUST WENT OFF THAT'S ALL!!!" I got less attention after that I could stop yelling in the boy's ear. People started to leave so I gather the boy stuff and ran to the nurse's office.
-Time skip-
When I got to the nurse's office the boy was sleeping. I told Recovery girl what happened as I was telling her I gave her the toddler and all of his stuff. She looks at his ID then said "Ah. Izuku Midoryia, class 1-A. Of course, he would get turn in to a baby"
"N-no! It's my fault if I haven't overreacted he wouldn't get turn in a baby." Recovery girl looked at me, she said "Nonsense it's good that you did what you did, you don't know if he was a villain or not and if he was then we would have a baby villain in jail. All thanks to you." I gave her a smile then she said "Now can you go to class 1-A to tell Aizawa to come get his child." She hands me the boy ID and I thank her and left to go find class 1-A.
( Iida P.O.V )
Once everyone was done clearing out the hallway I was with Uraraka walking back to the classroom when Uraraka asks "hey Iida." She sounds worried "Yes Uraraka" "Have you seen deku yet?"
( No ones P.O.V )
Iida looks at Uraraka and reply's with "No I haven't yet, maybe he's back at the classroom?" They kept walking, then they see a girl running in the direction where their classroom is, they notice that she had two ID's "Hey Iida, what's that girl doing with two ID's?" "I don't know. But one of the ID's looks like midoryia?" "Wait really?!" Yes, but anyway I think we should head back to the classroom." "Yeah, let's go." Uraraka said and they both start to fast walk to class.

All done yay. I don't know what to say but I do chapter 2 tomorrow but am too tired to do chapter 2 now but uhh ~{657 words}~

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