~{Chapter 3}~ (edited)

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This might be not so good of a chapter so bare with me I don't know where am going to go with this chapter sooo....have fun.

( midoryia P.O.V a bit early though )
I wake up, to see black and yellow all around me "Mommy are you here?" I mumble. I feel something move around me, tears start to form up in my eyes. 'Is that light?' As a man over me is wiping my tears away. The big man stands up and leaves me on the floor with this big bag that was yellow it's really long. I go in there to see what's inside as that big man starts talking about me? They stop talking, once they hear knocking, I peek out to see who it was. He was really tall with long yellow hair, blue headphones, and yellow glass. "HEY!!!! AIZAWA AM HERE TO TAKE OVER YOUR CLASS!!!!!" I cover my ear cuz it was so loud. The big man who I guess is Aizawa looks at him "Ok. Well, I have to take midoryia to his mom anyway. Just teach the class a little different ok?" "YOU GOT IT!!!!" I cover my ears again 'he's going to destroy my eardrums'. I look up to see the big man pick me up, am pretty scared I just want my mom I look around the classroom everyone's just looking at me 'i want mommy' when someone said "Is that deku?!" I just look down thinking about that nickname when that big man says "Yes now get back to work and wake Bakugo up. I'm leaving I will be back when your lunch is over." 'Kacchan here?' I look back up but we already left the room.
- Time skip -
( No ones P.O.V )
They got to midoryia house Aizawa knock on the door. A few minutes later inko opens the door to see Midoryia teacher and her son but small "miss Midoryia do have any spare clothes for your son?" Midoryia looks at his mom "Mom!!" "My baby izuku! Oh and yes let me get those so you can be on your way. You can in." "Oh uhh thank you." Inko grabs a box out of the closet and grabs midoryia stuff animal which is a rabbit she changes him and gives Aizawa some of midoryia stuff that he used to play with. As midoryia and inko do play for fun Aizawa see a picture frame and picks it up

 As midoryia and inko do play for fun Aizawa see a picture frame and picks it up

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(;^; the music am listening to just makes me feel sad when I see the picture. Like if inko and midoryia have a broken family cuz of midoryia father)
Aizawa gave out a little smile to the picture and places the picture frame down when he heard footsteps come closer. "Well, I gave midoryia what he needs so you guys can be on your way now." "Oh thank you. We will be on our way now."
( Midoryia P.O.V )
"Bye, mom!!" "Bye Izuku!!" I play with my stuff animal as we walk back to what the big man says U.A. I keep playing it I get really tired so I got into a comfortable spot and tried falling asleep.
-Time skip -
( Aizawa P.O.V )
We got back to U.A. I sat in the teacher lounge as midoryia is still sleeping, I start wondering if he even knows what coming and if he remembers anything though I don't think he does he didn't say anything to the class he just stared at them 'I wonder how old he is then maybe we can try and teach him how to use his quirk so he doesn't break his bones. Though he looks young so he is probably 2 or 3 years old maybe he knows bakugo then uhhhh we are gonna have to introduce him to his classmates' I snap out of my thoughts when I hear the door open. "HEY!-" I use my quirk to erase Yamada (present mic) quirk then I point down to we're midoryia is. "Oops sorry." Yamada sat next to me and starts to ask questions about midoryia then says "so who is taking care of him?" "Todoroki is." "Foe how long?" Don't know yet" " what if Todoroki losses him will he get in trouble?" " yes and no it's Todoroki responsibility to keep Midoryia safe but he still needs to take care of him. If anyone wants to take care of Midoryia and loses Midoryia then it's Todoroki fault cause midoryia was his responsibility not there he's going to take care of him for however long till it takes for Midoryia to turn back" I look down at midoryia who is starting to wake up. Yamada looks at midoryia and yells "HEY LITTLE MAN!!-" I stop him with my quirk and get up midoryia immediately covers his ears "could you stop doing that you're going to destroy his eardrums." As I cover midoryia with my arms "heh...sorry." "Well, lunch will be over soon so I better get back to my classroom and tell them what they are going to do with midoryia." I say and leave the teacher lounge.
So that's it for chapter 3. Now that I look at this chapter it doesn't seem all that bad I guess I really didn't know what I was going to do with this chapter cuz I usually write the chapters down in my notebook but for chapter 3 I didn't but hope u all have a good day and I will update on Friday but for u it will probably be Thursday or maybe Friday then I will post Saturday too unless something happens and I can't post on Friday nor Saturday but anyways Author-Chan signing off
~(954 words)~

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