~{Chapter 2}~ (edited)

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( No ones P.O.V )
Uraraka and Iida got back to class when they were walking in and being scold for being late. Uraraka saw the same girl from earlier, she was just running down the hall. After a bit of being scolded Uraraka and Iida sat down and the class went on until some opened the door and ask "Is Aizawa-sensei here?!"
( Aizawa P.O.V )
'Who is it now' I look over to see who it was and it was this redhead with cuts or scars on face and hands. "Yes, he's here who asking." I say tiredly. She looked kinda confused then said "I am but anyways Recovery girl needs to talk about a boy name..." she looks down to where she has two IDs? "Oh! She needs to talk to you about Izuku midoriya." She took off the ID and hand it to me. I grab it and left the classroom saying "Iida you're in charge." and went to the nurse's office.
- Time skip -
Once we got there I look around to try and find midoryia but I don't see him. "Uh... Recovery girl, I got who you wanted!" "Good now what's your quirk exactly?". Next to me got nervous real fast but says " um... it's called rewind. I can rewind a personage, looks, and personality but that depends on what age I pick." 'That's a cool quirk' I look at her ID and she a 2nd year in class 2-B as I snap out of my thoughts when I heard my name called "ok you can leave I want to Aizawa in private." "Oh. Ok well bye have a good day." Once she left I ask "What you want to talk about?" Recovery girl looks at me and then says "Well...Midoryia got in an incident during the lockdown we face earlier and he won't be able to anything like take notes nor participate in anything you guys do in that class of yours.". "What. What happened to him?!" Recovery girl gets off her chair and walks to the back. I follow her to then see a tiny little boy sleeping 'Midoryia?!' I grab him making sure not to wake him up, Recovery girl says "i don't know when he will turn back. See Midoryia had a different childhood then everyone else in your class." I was a bit confused why she said that 'how different could Midoryia past can be?'. After that, I just left the room and went back to my class.
- Time skip? -
I got back to class and everything seemed fine when Uraraka said "um Aizawa-sensei is deku ok?" I look down at midoryia who was in my arms 'what do I say?' I look up to see part of the class worried "Class will be...different for the time being."
( No ones P.O.V )
Before anyone could say anything Aizawa said "NOW!! Who's ready to take a test about Midoryia. Well except bakugo." Momo ask why they were taking a test about Midoryia, Aizawa respond with "Well let's put this short. If you fail you will pay hell later to when we were done." The class froze "Anyways you should be done when my nap is over." Aizawa got his sleeping bag got in it and went to sleep as for the rest of the class did the test and bakugo just slept cuz he got nothing to do.
- time skip -
Everyone was about done with the test. When Aizawa woke up he saw midoryia almost on the edge of crying, Aizawa clams him down and got up leaving midoryia on the floor in his sleeping bag. "Are you guys done with the test?" Class response was just yes and Aizawa took up the test he looks over them and says " Uraraka and Todoroki are the closest so. Uraraka who are the three people midoryia loves?" Uraraka reply's with "Deku loves his mom, All Might, and... his friends?" "Nope. Todoroki who are the three people Midoryia loves?" "Midoryia loves his mom, All might, and bak-" "Knock knock" Todoroki was stop when a sound came on.

Am done yay. This took a bit but not as chapter 1 that one took 4 hours this one took 2 hours but uh I hurt me self on my thumb cuz like I was messing with my scissors and I cut my self and am writing this on my phone and I need my thumb to write so yeah don't know when I will update again I want to do i tomorrow but will see what happens anyways have a good day and stay cool...Author-Chan out :3

~777 words~

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