~{Chapter 6}~

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this chapter their will be ship or something i try not to aim for shiping but i will throw it in here time an sorry if this chapter will be long am doing this on a laptop and the lay out is a little different but enjoy.

~{ big boy time skip cuz am too lazy to wirte what else happened so now we are in todoroki room, this is also no P.O.V }~

Todoroki got to his room and set the sleeply midoriya on his bed. Todoroki was about to walk away to do whatever when Midoriya tried to tug on Todoroki shirt but to Midoriya, Todoroki was to fast for him.

= Midoriya P.O.V =

' Why do i feel like i know him ? ' i try to move closer to him but...


= Todoroki P.O.V =

'What was that?' i look behide me to see midoriya on the floor crying i walk over to him and pick him up.

Todoroki: "Oh am sorry midoriya. Are you ok?"

Midoriya: "Y-yes."

Midoriya looks up and i see that his nose is  bleeding. I bring him to the bathroom, i clean him up and decide to keep him close while I do some studing.

'he feels a little more heavier. did he grow or somthing.' i look down to see that midoriya is bigger than he was before. He about the size of a 5 year old. i put my book down and look at the time it was 3:37. i look at midoriya again and it seems that he fell asleep.I stand up carefuly to not wake him up and set him on my bed and left the room to go grabe some food. i got to the kitchen and made some cold soba not that many people we're in the common area, the people that in the common area was the Baku squad i got me self my cold soba when Ashido said.

Ashido: "Hey!! Todoroki hows midoriya doing?" [ A/N dose ashido say midoriya or deku?]

Todoroki: "He's fine."

Ashido: "Cool also can I have him for the night me and the girls want him for a sleep over."
Todoroki: "sure ok just don't lose him like last time."
Ashido: "oki!!"
= Midoryia P•O•V =
I wake in a room I never seen before kinda it was a nice room I got up form the bed and start to walk to the door. I open it and look around, the place was huge after walking around a bit and going through a bunch of floors I find two big doors. I was about to open them when I heard my name called I look behind me to see some people, one that was pink, other one that his hair was white and red, one with yellow hair, other one with black, a red head, and...KACCHAN!!! I run up to him with no hesitation, yelling his name.
Midoryia: "KACCHAN!!!"
Bakugo: "huh?!"
I ran up to kacchan, and gave him a hug. He was tall really tall so i hugged him on the leg, he sorta kick me off. I fell on the floor i didn't mind it i just look up and smile at him. Then the white and red dude picks me up.

Midoryia: Hello! Am Midoryia whats you name?

Todoroki: Am Todoroki.

Before i could respond he turns me around and strats pointing at people.

Todoroki: That's Ashido, that's Kaminari, that's sero, that's Kirishima, and that's bakugo as you know.

I say hi to them and todo tells me that i will be with Ashido and some other people but for the time being i will be with him while todo talks to Ashido and sero i see that kacchan and Kiri are really close to each other. Am glad that kacchan has someone to be with but also so why are they so close together do the like like each other :D i snap out me thoughts when i realize i was being pass over to Ashido i look at Todo like what hey why you let me go i was about to lose it when i remember thats i was not going to be a way from him for long just a few hours right ?

Todoroki: Alright I see you tomorrow Midoriya.

Midoryia: Oh right bye Todo-or-r-ok-ki Tod-.

Todoroki: Just call me Todo.

I nod my head and todo starts to walk away for some how i got really sad but i will see him tomorrow. Ashido says that she going to go to someones room with me.

~{ Am really lazy and tired to say what happened at the sleep over, i was going to show what happened but its is 1:35am and i want to get this chapter over with so i can do chapter 7.  i also don't know what girls even do at sleepovers. The sleepovers i had were pertty chill but these are girls that can be girly at times and i don't know what girly girls do at sleep  overs and i really don't have the energy to try and think what they do. am sorry if you did want to see a sleepover but i don't have the energy to do it, but its now the next day for them.}~

= Midoryia P.O.V =   

i woke up not really remembering what happened last night. i look around, i see all of the girls asleep 'I guess am the only one awake. am hungry' i got up and open the door, I walk out the room leveaing the door kinda open. I walk to the elevator and push the botton that was facing down, the door open and i walk in 'there are so many numbers' I start pushing random numbers and hit the close botton. The door close and the elevator start going to all of the floors, its stops and the door opens i get out and look around to see but while am walking i stop. i hear my stomach rumble i look back up to see some food on the counter thing but i was really high up. 'how am i going to get up there?' I look around. I grab a chair and move it over to the counter I get on the chair and as i was trying to get on the counter I push the chair back when i got the counter, i look up to see the box of cereal on a shelf looking thing I grab what ever could give me the extra boost i saw some papers a book and a stack of paper plates. I put the book at the bottom then the papers and the paper plates on top, i got on top of my bulid I grab the shelf and jump pushing all the things back a little I fall on the things and put everything back again and jump up but this time when i jump i push everything really far and I start trying to push my self up. After struggling trying to pull my self up I finally got up on the shelf I grab the box of cereal and start eating out of the box.



All done with this chapter. sooooo chapters will probably strat coming out pretty slow but am determine to keep giving out chapters even tho I got a bunch of homework cuz my school is on lockdown so know every one has to do online school so ye anyways am going to post this and then get working on chapter 7. Author-chan signing out :3

~ 1271 words ~

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