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~Picture to the right is Tyler~


I shot up and opened my eyes. My heart pace slowed down a little, but it was still difficult to breath. I winced in pain then looked down at my arm, there was a long burn mark down my forearm. I looked in front of me, at the burning building falling before my eyes.

''TYLER! RUN!'' I couldn't see straight because of all the smoke but I made out someone running from the building toward me. Lee.

''Lee!'' I called out to him, his pace picked up, I think, as I stood up from the dirt-covered ground.

''TYLER! I-'' he was cut off by part of the building toppling over onto him, causing me to watch my own brother, burn to death.

I felt hot tears run down my cheeks as I turned on my heels and ran as far as I could go. My forearm burned horribly and I couldn't take my mind off the pain. I rounded 5th Avenue to the hospital, I stopped just before the big revolving doors. What if they ask how I got the burn? I can't tell them that Lee and I broke in and accidentally started a fire, could I? No! They'd sent you to jail faster than you could prove your innocence! I looked down at my skinny jeans. I'm pretty sure between my black riped skinny jeans, my layers of black and gray tank-tops with black leather bracelets, I looked like I was up to no good.

''Can I help you young lady?'' asked an old women walking out of the front doors, she looked down at my arm and gave her head a slight shake. ''Come on, I'll get you fixed up.'' she smiled nicely and lead me into the hospital.

''Thank you'' I said as she walked me into a room close to the desk at the E.R., she smiled sweetly and motioned for me to sit down on a bed in the middle of the room.

''So what did you do?'' I swallowed at her question, should I tell her the truth. No she'll just snitch on you! Comon' Tyler keep your head together!

''I just got burned..'' I trailed off hoping she wouldn't see through my lie, well it wasn't really a lie, I am, in a way, telling the truth.

''I know that, but how did you get burned?''

''I don't know, I woke up with the burn down my forearm,'' I tried to swallow the notch that was forming in my throat. I hated ling to people, I don't know why, I just always have. Although Lee taught me to be an impressive liar, why was I so nervous? Probably because my trainer is now dead!

''Ok, Let me see your arm please.'' she held out her hand and I let her take my arm. She put something on it that slowly took out the burn. My eyes winded when she first touched it though, it hurt like crazy.'' I'm sorry,'' she said removing her hand.

''Its ok, it just hurts, alot'' I forced a smile and she alpyed more stuff to my arm, I was on the burge of shedding tears like there was no tomorrow.

''All done'' she said wraping a bandage around my arm.

''Thank you so much-'' I was cut off my her speaking.

''You welcome, now I have to ask, who are you parents?'' That question hit me like red bricks. Oh shit! My parents, what was I going to tell them?!?! 'Hey mom! Hey dad! Lee is dead and I have aburn on my arm from a building Lee and I accidentally set on fire! Lets go home now.' I don't think so, my parents are gonna flip out!

''John and Debra Jones'' I said unexpectaedly. she nodded her head.

''And what is one of their phone numbers?''

I sallowed hard ''836-5490'' she smiled and dailed the number in on the small phone in the corner of the room.

I waited paintantly after she got off the phone with my parents, '' Your parents are comeing to get you'' she nodded her toward me and walked out the door. After about ten minutes of rehersing what I was going to say to my parents my mom busred through the door.

''Tyler Jones! What on Earth were you thinking?!?!?!?!'' she screamed at me as we road home.

''I wasn't tinking-''

''Thats right you wern't thinking! Sneeking out? Only for me to get a call that you were at the hospital with aburn down your arm?

''Debra, honey, I think you should rel-'' my mother cut him off, causeing him to sqirm a little on the road.

''No! I don't need to relax! I want to know all about this, and Lee.'' my mother stoped dead in her tracks''Were is Lee, Tyler?''

I swalowed the lump in my throat, '' He's... he's-''

''What?! Tyler spit it out! Were is yor brother?''

''He's... dead''


So this is my new book, coming soon! I promise, So just let me know what you think and that will determan how quickly I will post more. Thanks so much!

<3 Me!

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