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My head and face were covered with a black cloth as I was being dragged to the court. I felt humiliated and if my hands weren't shackled, I would have taken the men down, no matter how big they were or what weapon they had.

My heart was drumming in my chest. I did not know where they were taking me and what they were going to do to me. It was a big mistake to trust Cleopatra. I had done it before but I would not do it again. The blood that related us was just a mere reminder for me that I was a mistake and mistakes are rectified, not trusted or made part of the family.

The sound of the guard's angry footsteps and my occasional struggle was soon drowned by murmurs. I instantly knew that I was being taken to Cleopatra's court. I could feel them walking me to the front of Cleopatra's throne before I was being forced to my knees. I felt a huge and rough hand grab the back of my neck before almost slamming my head at the ground. I hissed as a wave of pain washed over my skull. I was grounding my teeth to keep myself from screaming.

The sound of horns drowned the crowd's murmur before the room was painted with silence. I was bent forward, my forehead firmly pressed against the floor while my hands were at my back, shackled. The black cover on my head restricted my eyes to see anything around me but my other senses were doing their best to paint the picture of the surrounding in my head.

"Today, I have something precious for the people of Alexandria..." Cleopatra's voice is heard clearly in the silent room. The smoothness of her voice is soft yet commanding. She easily dominates the people by her voice and rhetoric.

"Yesterday, I was visited by a certain someone who is not supposed to step on the land of Alexandria for the eternity..." As she trailed off, the black cloth from my head was being tugged away instantly, revealing my flaming red hair. Several gasps were heard in the room before the crowd started shouting. The court attendant had some trouble calming the crowd before Cleopatra continued, "She is here for forgiveness,"

Everyone laughed at this. I could feel their judging eyes on me as their mocking laughs made my blood boil. The pressure with which my head was pressed against the floor was being increased by the guard. I wanted to be free. I lowly cursed at the guard who was holding me down. I was instantly greeted by a kick straight to my stomach. I groaned in pain before the guard decided to let go of me.

I raised my head to look at the Pharaoh. She had a smug look on her face while her eyes stared me down as if I was the dirt beneath her feet. She was lazily leaning back on her golden throne. There was a regal vibe to her presence that she always carried with her everywhere. Beside her sat Osaze, her seemingly new husband. His crippled hand was covered by the linen cloth draped over his body.

I was able to see the scar on his face from up this close. I had drawn it on his face the day I overthrew the throne, even though I did not last many days on power, thanks to Cleopatra. Osaze had a nasty look on his face as he stared me down. He was still mad at me. It made me happy. I found myself smiling at him but a hard hit across my face from the guard instantly knocked it away. I wanted to kill the guard instantly but my hands were shackled.

"Now... what shall I do with her?" Cleopatra purred as she leaned at one side of her throne lazily. Her eyes never left me. She had a sly look on her face that I was finding hard to look over. She may do anything to me and I would not have anyone to defend me.

"Kill her!" Osaze sneered beside her but Cleopatra shook her head lightly as she chuckled, "That would be too easy, Osaze," she purred as she looked at her new husband with a mixture of lust and inferiority before directing her gaze at me. "Besides, she is my dear sister. My own blood. Why would I stain my hands with my own blood?"

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