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surprise update! 


I was feeling mostly cranky the next morning while he tried to cuddle me. I wanted to get out and have some time alone with myself but it was colder that morning and his warmth and scent were too addicting for me to leave.

I groaned as he tried to kiss me again.

"I am sorry for last night, my Pharaoh," He whispered against my skin as he ran his nose across on my neck, setting a trail of sparks. I sighed with pleasure.

"Once we go back, I am going to make their life hell," He growled lowly before closing his mouth around my mark again. I tried to groan but ended up moaning and it encouraged him to continue playing with my skin and tease me.

I could feel the lust in him through the bond and it was making me needy. My southern lips tingled with need while a toe-curling sensation washed over me as his canines scraped against the mark on my neck.

Even though his promise dangled in the air, I could feel the flames of ire in him. It instantly reminded me of the day we were banished and I found myself caught in a wildfire set by him. Even though it was months ago, it felt as if it had happened tomorrow.

The only difference remained that I wasn't scared of him anymore. Not even a bit. I was strangely drawn to him more each day, in a different way. As his lips traced my skin and travelled to my lips, I found myself submitting to him and my desires.

As he kissed me passionately, I felt the darkness in me being driven away. Meanwhile, his hands sneaked beneath my clothes to worship my body. My heart raced as he cupped my mounds gently before squeezing them a little too hard for me to moan in his mouth.

The tingling sensation on my petals increased and so did the wetness between them. My stomach dipped with need while my southern lips cried for his attention.

He pulled back only after leaving an unspoken promise on my lips to protect and care for me as long as the sun would rise and the tides would retrieve to the sea after kissing the shore.

"My Pharaoh," He whispered against my skin while his huge hands squeezed my mounds again. My breaths were ragged while I ran my fingertips over his jaw and peered into his intense silver eyes. The possessive that simmered into them made me want him more.

The air around us was thick with sexual tension. I could feel his arousal digging into my hip. I was sure that he could smell me too.

"Let me make you mine, my Pharaoh," These words danced on his lips even though he looked down at me as if I was already his; as if he had already claimed every inch of my skin but it wasn't enough for him so he wanted to do it again.

My chest flooded with a warm feeling for being wanted by him like that. I wanted to fully submit to him then and there and let him claim every inch of me but I still felt this invisible force pulling me back. Even though his huge muscular arms seemed like the safest place, there was still this voice screaming at me to run for the hills.

I didn't want to listen to it but I had gone through enough already to ignore it. I was convinced that Ares really wanted to have me as his mate and he was ready to do anything for me. I never had anyone want me so badly.

I wanted to have just some more time to get used to it. On the other hand, I knew that Ares was getting impatient to take me. He never put it in words but I could feel it through the bond every time he would look at me longingly.

I felt the same longing sprout into me. It grew with each day.

"What will you give me if I become yours?" I asked him teasingly instead. At this, the intensity of his eyes rose even more. He ran his thumb over my lower lip before slightly pushing one of his long fingers past my lips. I found myself closing my lips around his finger while peering at him through eyelashes.

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