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A loud bang made me sit up. My heart instantly started to race and my senses were in full alert. Another bang followed but the intensity was less this time. I sat in silence but at alert, listening for more.

The morning light was peaking in through small spaces in the wooden wall. I found myself sitting in the same place I had been all night. A chill travelled down my spine when I remembered what happened last night.

I heard more bangs outside. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know where he was. First, I decided to climb downstairs and look for him but I soon contained myself from doing so.

I had to remind myself from time to time to stop looking for trouble.

Instead, I looked around. It was a small house and the space I was in was very small too. When I noticed a window at the other end on the wall that sat between the ceiling and the roof, I almost rushed to it.

With some struggle, I opened it. My arm was numb and bruised from last night but I ignored it for the moment.

The morning light was the first thing to greet me. I slowly peeked out of the window and my eyes instantly found him. He was outside, hammering a plank on a broken wall. I stayed still and watched him for some moments.

The whole lake was visible from here. The place looked beautiful and I was sure it would have been more beautiful without him. I'd have enjoyed it then.

I was surprised when I saw him leave the house and walk into the woods. I waited till he disappeared before I ran downstairs. It was the first time when I noticed the insides of the house.

The ladder from which I had climbed down, stood in the corner of the only room that the house had. At one end was a kitchen which seemed unused and on the other end was a neatly made makeshift bed. Beside it was a broken almirah which contained some clothes and things that I guessed, belonged to him.

The wooden walls had glaring holes at some places and I soon realized that he had been fixing them.

When I stepped out of the house, I decided to look around the place. I could have used this as an opportunity to run away but something in me told me that he'd find me no matter what. This had been proved last night anyway.

I didn't want that to repeat.

The sound of wood being chopped echoed in the silent woods. I knew it was him. He was cutting trees to fix the house and probably to light the kitchen. I drank some water from the lake and washed my face as I contemplated going back to the temple.

If I go back then would I be accepted?

While my time there I had earned their trust but last night it had been broken. I was aware that trust was a fragile thing and it was hard to earn. Once broken, it was harder to earn it back but I wanted to try.

I went back into the house and ate some fruits before deciding to go back to the temple. I wanted to be back there. I had grown to like the place and the tranquillity that it had to offer. It was also a good way to avoid him.

I waited and tried to pick up any sound or commotion outside. When everything seemed still and silent, I stepped out of the house.

"Where are you going?" His voice instantly boomed through the woods, making my heart jump out of my chest. I froze and looked over my shoulder to find him carrying some woods. He had stopped working. His whole attention was on me now. He was looking at me the same way a predator looked at its prey.

He looked ready to lunge at me if the situation required it. I didn't realize that I had started shaking due to fear again.

"I am going to the temple," I mumbled but I knew that he heard me clearly.

"If you don't come back before it's dark, I'll come looking for you," He warned. I was surprised that he let me go but I didn't show it. Without wasting any moment, I set out for the temple. It took me some time to find my way around the woods.

When I was able to see the familiar white building of the temple, I couldn't have felt happier. Though, it slowly died as soon as I stepped towards the building knowing that they would be upset due to what had happened last night.

"Edara!" Screamed one of the young priestesses as soon as she saw me and ran straight inside the temple. She was soon back with the head priestess who now looked at me with terror.

"What are you doing here?" She gritted at me.

"I want to continue to work here. Please take me back, Edara," I pleaded, putting my hands together.

"What makes you think we'll take you back?" She questioned sternly.

"Please, I promise this won't happen again. I will come here, work and go back before it's dark. Please..." I pleaded again, looking at her with hope. With her jaw set, she stared down at me before she questioned, "First tell me who are you and who was that man,"

"You know my name already, Edara and he..." I trailed off, raking my brain to find an answer, "is my husband," I ended up saying. Instantly flushing deeply.

"You said you weren't married," She countered.

"I lied... I ran away from him because I didn't want to live with him and now, he is back to terrify me. Please... let me work here. I want to sustain myself," I uttered without thinking much. Her gaze was set on me warily.

I noticed how her eyes lingered on my arm where a deep purple bruise was forming. She contemplated for a couple of moments while staring at it.

"Ok," She spoke finally, "You may work here again but if this happens again then you'd have to leave," She spoke before she turned on her heels and went back inside. I was relieved at her decision and soon got to work.

The rest of the day, I tried concentrating on work. Meanwhile, I kept receiving weird looks and stares from other priestesses. I even heard them talking about me in hushed voices. It didn't bother me much because I was used it to.

Theto was missing today. She seemed to be serving at Artemis' temple. I wanted to meet her but the work at the temple was too much.

As soon as the sun started to edge towards the horizon, the head priestess, Edara approached me, "You may go now," She said, handing me some fruits to take home. I left without any protest.

This time, I didn't have any trouble finding my way back to the house where he was living. It was empty and he was not around when I finally reached there. It had already gotten dark.

I went into the house and climbed the ladder until I was in my safe space. I busied myself with cleaning the place and making a bed for myself. I was very much tired for not having a good sleep last night but at the same time, I was scared of the consequences of sharing a roof with him.

Due to this, I had sneaked in a knife from the temple. It was used to cut fruits and wasn't very good but it was enough to make a cut or two in the right places if the situation required it. I placed it under my makeshift bed before I finally turned to my fruits.

As I ate my dinner, I heard him outside. He was at the lake, taking a bath. After some moments when the door opened and he stepped in, I grew still and silent. I waited for him to climb the ladder but instead, I heard his footsteps moving towards the bed.

Something told me that he wasn't interested in coming upstairs, not tonight, so I slept.


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Also available on Patreon: Caught, The Trident's Legacy, Javier (coming soon)

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