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I was out of breath when I pulled back after the kiss. He sighed deeply as he placed his forehead against mine and held my face in his hands. His thumb trailed my lower lip while he gazed at me intensely.

"I missed you," He groaned lowly. His words made my stomach churn while the sparks emanating from his touch travelled throughout my body, announcing to every single cell in my body of his presence.

I shivered slightly at it because I was still finding it hard to wrap my mind around the fact that I was supposed to be with him- his mate and someday, maybe his queen, that is if Arles ever allowed it.

"Why were you hiding?" I asked as my hands feel on his bare chest. I subtly felt his muscles that looked very inviting when covered with sweat while he worked around the house.

"I wanted to see your reaction," He grinned. His silver eyes were lowly illuminated in the dark. The small blue streaks in them were now more prominent than ever.

"You almost gave me a fright!" I frowned as I slightly pushed him back so that I could stand up but he held my hand instead. The sky was exceptionally dark today because of the angry, dark clouds. It was going to rain heavily tonight.

"I am going inside," I told him as I picked the basket with food and tried not to look at his body. He was very naked because of the phase and also dirty but still managed to look godly for some reason.

Then I was instantly reminded that he was the son of one of the ruthless gods in the heaven-Arles. But the more I spent time with him, the more he was starting to show me his gentler side and I was starting to like it.

"Okay," He murmured behind me as I rounded the house and got inside. As I prepared dinner, I heard the splashes of water outside, which were indicating that he was having a bath. A couple of thunders were heard before it started to rain outside.

He was soon inside the house, clean and fresh. He looked through the things I was preparing to eat for dinner.

"Do you need help?" He asked as he stepped very close to me.

"Tend the fire," I told him. It was better to keep him busy otherwise the way he distracted me, it would have taken me the whole night to prepare dinner. He grumbled something incomprehensible under his breath, which earned him a sharp look form me before he went to sit near the hearth.

The crackle of fire soon coated the silence between us. Even though my back was to him, I could still feel his eyes lingering on me. Lust and desire were slowly draining into my chest through the bond. My eyes instantly met his silver ones when I glanced at him over my shoulder before turning to the pot of rice I was preparing.

With each passing moment, tension accompanied the silence in the room. He seemed somewhat silent tonight. It wasn't in his nature. He wasn't certainly lost in his thoughts. I was sure about this because he was actively watching me, very closely and pensively.

When I was done preparing the pot, I took it to the hearth and put it on fire. There wasn't much left to do after that but wait for it to cook while an uneasiness slowly rose in the air.

"Come here, Arsinoe," He told me while gently while patting his thigh. I couldn't stop the blood rushing to my cheeks as I peered into his intense eyes that were focused on me. His gesture in itself was very suggestive, which didn't help me think straight at all.

"What?" I blurted out, trying to look clueless. He stared at me for a couple of moments before he held his hand out for me to take. I looked at it hesitantly before my eyes flickered back to his. The heat in them grew even more as he watched me with his jaw set.

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