↬ Chapter 5 ↫

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^^ my shitty edit! EnJoY

(Y/n)'s Thoughts

Over the next few days, I became a part of the Boy's Volleyball Team. I attended their lunch time practices and even made it to their morning ones too. I continuously cheered them on with everything that I had.

I met Yachi as well, who was their new 1st year, second assistant manager. She made a beautiful poster to promote the team. We got along quite well. She was shy but very enthusiastic. I steered Tanaka and Noya away from her, as they were intrigued to know who she was.

I remember when Yachi was first introduced, Yamaguchi had a small blush across his freckly cheeks.

I'm getting along with the team and helping them whenever I can. They were always cheerful when I came to their trainings to support them.

Coach Ukai and Sensei Takeda offered to take me with the team to the Inter High Preliminaries as another 'assistant manager', which I easily took up. Suga was very happy to find out that I was going with them.

Sensei Takeda gave me a permission form, which Hiro signed for me because my parents weren't here. Hiro was proud that I was stepping outside of my comfort zone and doing something different.

And Suga, I've grown so close to him and have adapted his nickname. We have lots more classes together than I thought we had; Maths, English, 1 science subject and music. We always sit together now and laugh silently at stupid jokes we share with each other. I've been very comfortable around him and my tummy goes all fluttery when I see him. But I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean anything.

I'm proud to be part of this team :)

(Y/n)'s POV

I stand next to Yachi and Kiyoko, watching the boys play against each other. Kiyoko scribbles something down on paper in her thick folder.

Yachi is in awe, soaking everything in. I have saved her from being attacked in the face by a volleyball twice now.

Tanaka spikes the ball over the net but is blocked my Tsukishima and Kageyama. Tsukishima's team wins this round. Noya jumps onto Tsukki's back, congratulating him, which irritates the the tall blonde. Ukai calls the team in.

"Tomorrow is the Inter High Preliminaries. I want you all to make sure you're well rested and ready to play against our opponents," He says.

"Who are we playing against?" Hinata calls out.

"Many schools, including Date Tech High, Aobajohsai High and Shiratorizawa," Sensei Takeda replies.

My ears prick up at the name of a school.

"The Great King," Hinata says and clenches his fists. Kageyama scowls after hearing what Hinata said.

Haven't heard that nickname before.

Daichi stands up. "We can do this! We are a strong team! We are going to smash the other teams!" He says. "OSU!" The rest of the team yell.

Ukai smiles and shakes his head. "That's it for training today. You can stay back for a bit to practice. We'll see you bright an early tomorrow for the tournaments."


I walk next to Suga after leaving Kageyama and Hinata to practice their quick spike. I snuggle down into my scarf, the fabric warming my face.

"It was very nice of Kiyoko to find the banner for the team," I say.

Suga smiles. "Yes that was very kind of her," He replies. He shoves his hands into his pockets.

We make our way down the street to the train station. Only few people were there, waiting for the transportation to arrive. Suga and I stand next to each other, comfortable with the silence. 

We watch the train make its way to the stop. The doors slide open and we hop on, sitting down on the seats provided. I plop my bag on the floor.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow!" I say to Suga, grinning. Suga returns the gesture. "Me neither. Our team is much stronger, so I hope we'll do better than before!" I nod, remembering Suga talked about the last games they'd had in the past. "You guys will be great! You've all been practicing so hard and all that effort is about to pay," I reply. "Thanks (Y/n)," Suga says. "We're all very happy to have you on our team, cheering us on!" I blush at his comment. 

We continue to talk until we arrive at our stop. We exit the train and station, walking towards our street. I shiver a little. "The cold isn't getting any better, is it?" I say. Suga shakes his head. "At least it'll be over soon!" He replies reassuringly. I smile. 

We journey up the road until I reach my house. "I'll see you bright and early tomorrow Suga! Have a good night!" I say. "You too (Y/n)!" He grins and continues his way home. 

I shut the door and slip off my shoes. Tofu hears me and comes running down the hallway. "Hi Tofu! I missed you today!" I coo over the big fluffy dog and pet him all over. I enter the living room of the house and read the note on the kitchen table.

'I'm working late tonight! There's pork in the fridge and ramen in the cupboard! I'll see you when I get home. Hiro'

Tofu sits in his basket whilst I prepare dinner. I time the ramen in the boiling water. I hear the front door open. Tofu launches out of the basket to greet my brother. "I'm home (Y/n)," He says. "Hi Hiro. You came just in time. Dinner's almost ready," I reply. 

I place the noodles into two bowls. I pour the broth over the ramen and place pieces of pork in the bowl. I give Tofu leftover pork, much to his delight. I top it off with veggies and half a boiled egg. Hiro put his bag on the floor next to my school bag and helped me get chopsticks and spoons. 

I place the bowls on the table in the sitting room and we kneel down. "Itadakimasu!" We say and dig in. Tofu enjoys his dinner in the kitchen. "How was school?" Hiro asked. "Good! I can't wait for the Preliminary matches tomorrow," I reply. Hiro smiles. "How was uni and work?" I asked him. Hiro wipes his mouth before replying. "Same same. Working hard. Getting paid a little more now, which is good," He says. 

Hiro works at a restaurant, which is why he is able to cook very well. He's been learning new recipes and adapting new kitchen skills, whatever that means. But I am very proud of him!

'That's good! I'm happy for you," I say with a smile. We finish off our dinner and Hiro stacks the bowls and cutlery in the dishwasher. 

"Go have a shower (Y/n). We can watch (your/favourite/movie) after," Hiro says. I take one and dry my hair. Hiro takes one too and we both sit in front of the TV, covered in blankets. 

My brother reaches in his bag and pulls out some mochi. I beam when I see them. "I thought to stop by Mr Pei's and get mochi," he says. "Arigato Niisan!" I say and bite into one. Delicious! 

We watch my favourite movie before heading off to bed. "Oyasumi," Hiro says. "Oyasumi!" I reply and flop down onto my bed. I grab my drawing book and flip through the pages. I then snuggle down into my duvet. I lay on my back for a while. 

I'm gonna see him again. I wonder how that's going to go.

I then shut my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.

(A/N): WASSUP! Sorry for being inactive for more than one month! I'm super duper sorry! But I'm able to post (hopefully) more frequently than I could've before! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to post the next!!! - A x

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