Beginning of Act 2: Chapter 8: Uncle Hisashi

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It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.

- Johann Schiller


Midoriya Hisashi: Age 30


Inko went back to work after she recovered from her injuries, despite how much he didn't like it that he told her multiple times to take it easy. On top of that, she made it her goal to find his stashes of cigarettes and throw them away at every possible chance. Which was crazy, because the cigarettes didn't even hurt him. But his poor woman was so paranoid whenever he was on his computer as he did the first thing in the morning and the afternoon as his daily habit to find any shred of information about finding Izuku.

Until Inko has broken the routine this afternoon.

"Hisashi, dear?"

"Yes, honey." Damn, his throat was scratchy, and the cigarette in his throat wasn't making it much better. Flames licked at his lips, which led to dry lips that weren't fun either. Hisashi sighed and logged off the computer, making sure to delete the forums from his history. He'd remember what they were anyway.

"Are you smoking again?"


"Give me that cigarette. I said no smoking in the house."

Hisashi sighed again but made his way to the kitchen anyway. He loved all of Inko, that was for sure. But he liked his cigarettes too. He handed his wife the cancer stick and- oh, there it goes. Quite literally down the drain. A waste of money. Waste in general. But Inko was the boss of the house.

"Hisashi." He saw Inko pursed her lips as she dried the last of the dishes and wiped her hands on her apron. Hopefully, she wasn't going to ask what he had been doing on the computer. He didn't want to tell her, but he wasn't going to lie either, either way, it would only make her worry more. There was no best course of action.

Welp, he wanted another stick.

"I know you don't like Katsuki-kun, but I was wondering if you could talk to him today."

"Hah?" Why was Inko talking about the Bakugou brat? Actually, why was she worried about the Bakugou brat? There were surely more important things in life, like work, maybe cigarettes, and mostly Izuku that Hisashi was getting ready to kill for (daddy instincts). When he gets his hands on those scummy bastards.

"I can see the disdain on your face already," Inko moaned and it sounded like despair, only she was aiming to pull something off. Hisashi could feel it, she was planning something. "Please, Hisashi? Katsuki-Kun hasn't been very happy these last few months and he won't talk to his parents. I would talk to him but I have to leave soon for work. Maybe just a word with him would help?"

That's what she was pulling! Hisashi cringed at her puppy eyes. She and Izuku were so damn perfect, it was almost annoying.

"Last I checked, he didn't like me as much as I don't like him," he said. He had to put some effort into disagreeing. But who could say no to Inko's face? Not him, that was for sure. Damn you, adorable freckles and big green eyes. Oh, her eyes were so beautiful. Damn.

"He needs a way to cope," Inko explained. "I know that when you're stressed, you smoke. But... you know other ways to cope. You can help him more than anyone else can."

Cope... ah. The little guy was a brat, but he was friends with Izuku at one point in time, right? Even though Hisashi was pretty sure that the friendship had been horrible from the get-go. His precious Izuku hanging out with a little crazy ruffian like him, that kind of thing rubbed Hisashi wrong.

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