Act 2: Chapter 9: A Deflated Bomb

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When you let go of what didn't work, what held you back previously, or wipe out those fears that don't deserve to rule you anymore, you create room to become a more passionate, engaged, and inspiring individual.

- Anonymous


Bakugou Katsuki


"I miss Izuku too, Katsuki." Katsuki just looked at Uncle Hisashi. Uncle Hisashi missed Deku? Then... then why did he leave in the first place? That was his fault, he was a stupid idiot for leaving his son and letting him get kidnapped. And Katsuki didn't care... he didn't.

But Uncle Hisashi does miss Izuku. All of a sudden, Katsuki remembered that one time he fell off the log bridge and Izuku was the only one to come and see if he was okay looking down on him like he was weak. Everyone stayed back while Izuku worried about him. He remembered that time Izuku decided to be the villain in Heroes and Villains just so Katsuki didn't have to be the villain every time.

He remembered that time Izuku got lost in the store and Katsuki ran around looking for a crying big baby with crazy green hair. Crazy hair like Uncle Hisashi's hair. Green hair like Auntie Inko's hair. Big green eyes like Auntie Inko and freckles like Uncle Hisashi and a big smile like Auntie Inko and a big brain like Uncle Hisashi and all of that made up one Izuku. Izuku, who hasn't played with Katsuki in forever, who hasn't smiled, laughed and followed Katsuki around.

He hesitated as he thought. After everything that Katsuki did to him. Izuku always forgave him... until Katsuki severed that friendship forever. The last time, he saw Izuku. Izuku says that he will regret everything. As Katsuki scoffed at that remark, he burned Izuku's skin. He sneered that he will not regret it,

But now and all this time, Izuku was right about this.

He regrets it.

Izuku didn't deserve him. Katsuki was never a good friend to him. After everything started to fall apart. He wanted to reverse time. To go back. To fix his regrets. Their friendship and his apology that he was sorry for hurting his friend and his dream. For breaking that promise.

After all, who will be Katsuki's friend forever?

"Izuku. I... I miss..."

"Do you miss Izuku as much as I do, Katsuki?" Katsuki didn't know what it was. It hurt and his throat felt like a ball choked him and his chest felt like a monster squeezed all the air out of him. Everything hurts. Even the tears burned. He didn't like it. He wanted-

"I miss Izuku-chan!" Katsuki sobbed and he hated how loud he was but shouting made him feel better and let go. "I want- I want Izuku back! I wanna play with Izuku, dammit! I miss him so much, I hate it!"

He hiccupped. He cried and cried. He heard Papa come into the bathroom and he looked up.

"Papa!" he shouted and lifted his arms. He wanted Papa to hold him. He was sad, angry, and scared. Papa scooped him up from the bath even though he was wet and making a mess of Papa's shirt and he was so happy that Papa didn't care as he just held him.

Uncle Hisashi wasn't in the bathroom anymore. He didn't care. He just cried into Papa's wet shirt. He held on tightly so Papa didn't let go of him. Papa's voice was soft and gentle. He loved Papa. Katsuki wanted Mama. He wanted Izuku, his Deku. He wanted to play with him. He wanted to run around and hear him praise Katsuki.

No, he didn't even care what they did. He just wanted to be with Izuku again. He just wanted them to be Kacchan and Deku like before. He didn't care if he had to play the villain, or if Izuku looked at him like he was weak. He just wanted Izuku!

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