Act 2. Chapter 14: A Speech of Apology

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"Everybody has a limit, even All Might because we are still humans. We can't save everyone, there is a price and a limit to that cost to save."



However, he would say otherwise on his nonexistent pride at the moment. As Katsuki Bakugou slowly strode his way to the big podium in front. He once imagined this podium saw as a throne to show off his pridefulness and status. Screaming at the top of his lungs that he was here to beat villains and smile like All Might. But things were different as he finally stood at the podium. He wasn't ever afraid.

But things have changed, he felt fear for the first time. To this point, the sentiment of guilt and grief is still there. Four years ago, that change (Izuku..) affected him and everyone. For the first time, he was frightened. Now, he was unsure whether to speak in front of a big crowd right now. Doubts filled his head before he took a deep breath. And let go.

He can do this.

Declaring his words of choice as he looked over the crowd. He announces, "Hello, everyone. Today is a moment where my fellow rivals and I fight in this tournament for the championship number one spot. As I, Bakugou Katsuki, am fighting here."

He paused to see the crowd's faces as he met their gazes. "For my friend that I have lost and those who are missing to this day. I swore on my words. I will become a hero who will prevent this from happening again. I know my words might not keep up to the promise that I swore. But I will win because that is what heroes do."

The crowd cheers after a moment of silence. But Katsuki ignored the crowd's roar of excitement as he proceeded to leave the stage for now as he began to apply his bandages on his ankles just before his round with his opponent came in his time. Until a knock on the door perks him to look up and let whoever is outside. One of the staff gave him a letter, saying it was probably from an unknown fan that must have been moved by his speech which shocked the crowd to their core.

However, the speech was only ten minutes ago. And a fan couldn't write down a letter in those time frames unless this was one of those internship people who were seeking the top whip of the crop among the best. It was very strange for him to get a letter at this time. But he couldn't let it distract him as he carefully tucked away the letter in his locker.

Another staff member called up his name as it was his turn to fight. He has forgotten to look into the letter after he won one match. And another. Until the last one, he stood against the furies of punches. The pain started to weigh against his body as his rival held no back. Putting him on constant defense until he waited for an opening to attack.

The ringing in his ears drowns out the sounds and his vision begins to blur. He cursed for a moment until he saw a familiar green-haired figure among the crowd. It wasn't Auntie Inko with the messy hair that the person watching him. An empty expression that he holds. As if that person themself was saying 'Are you going to keep your promise? Are you?'

The feeling of disappointment sparks a hesitation in Katsuki as he nearly gets hit. He knew that his former friend was waiting. Quickly, focusing on the fight. He encountered back. As he lands a final and fast hand chop blow on the side of his rival. They fell down in a crumpled heap. Leaving them no time to recover as Katsuki left no mercy on them. Returning several punches, they were rendered just barely unconscious before the referee declared victory on his side. As the staff ushered him to fix his injuries before they congratulated him in the spotlight. Katsuki tried to catch a glimpse of the person that he thought to be. But couldn't as his vision slips away. Leaving him in the dark.

Only to wake up in a bed where many other rivals were resting until the ceremony rolled in. The finals were finished with the winners recognized. The staff and the committee members congratulated everyone in the nurse's office for their hard work. As they patch up Katsuki to a presentable state and push him to the stage. He was unable to say anything as they assured him that he was on a tight schedule.

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