A fall from Saweetie 🧎🏼‍♀️💌

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Qüavo pretended that he was in shock.. yeah I'm not dumb and I'm not falling for the bullshit!

Qüavo: Saweetie I promise I didn't...


I said dragging my luggage down the hall too grab Josiah.

Qüavo followed me trying to stop me etc..

Qüavo: Saweetie I promise I didn't know..are you sure we talking about the same person?! This shit don't feel right!

Saweetie: In tears* Stop the fucking acting Quavo! I'm not dumb my nigga! Your brother getting out and y'all tried  to trick me just to get to Jo! I won't let you or your abusive ass brother take away my son!

I said grabbing jo out of the bed and placing him on my hip halfway sleep..that boy getting heavy..

Qüavo: Look Saweetie I put this on my life I didn't know my brother was your baby daddy! I wouldn't have shot my shot or anything if that was the case you have to believe me maan!

I heard the hurt in Quavo voice..but it can be an act.

I looked back at Qua and just left the house*

I didn't know where I was going..or who would I run into, I just wanted to be away from Qua.. I stood at a bus station & booked 2 flight tickets back home..first thing tomorrow morning.

Saweetie: I'm coming home Kay! (3:00 AM)

Kay: You just got there what's wrong?!

Saweetie: I'll tell you tomorrow when I get there. This shit is pitiful!

Kay: wya right now?

I looked around*

Saweetie: Me and Josiah At a bus station.. the bus doesn't come until another 3 hours..my flight takes off at 7:30.

Kay: Alright make sure you safe. I love y'all both. See you when you get here boo

Saweetie: we love you too, kk.

I kissed my sleepy baby on his head*

Saweetie: I'm never gonna let another man in your life..I'm sorry jo, I let lust get the best of me.

I said as I rubbed his head*

6:00 AM

We got on the bus & left to the airport...

6:30 AM

Josiah was now awake..

Josiah: mommy where are we?

Saweetie: Hugs jo* we're going back home..you get to see Tete kay Kay & your cousin Javon.

Josiah:Wipe crust out of eyes* where is Qüavo ?

Saweetie: deep breath* Quavo is at home..he isn't coming with us..

Josiah: but whyyy?! He told me we was going skating today

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