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Wallie P.O.V.

There is likely a time in everyone's life when they are faced with a dilemma that has an obvious answer but that answer is one they cannot achieve themselves. Currently, I am faced with such a dilemma; a dilemma by the name of Prince Baylor.

Music drifts from the ballroom but the soft sound does not ease me. My toes curl in my shoes as the silence between us lingers. I glance past the crown prince, hoping for a savior, one savior in particular but he is nowhere to be seen. Then my gaze returns to the prince continuing to lean against the wall.

Most would assume Prince Baylor to be taking a much needed break from the chaos of the ball. However, the moment he smiles at me, I know he was waiting. Whether he was watching or another was, I do not know, but it has resulted in my being alone with a member of the royal family, something that was suggested I avoid, something I wanted to avoid myself.

A lump forms in my throat but I bow politely, hoping that I may pass after acknowledging his presence, "Your Highness."

Prince Baylor smirks. "Nice to see you again, Wallie."

And I guess I will not be passing. Damn it.

"It is an honor that you remember me, Your Highness."

"Oh, I'm sure it is." There's sarcasm dripping from his every word. "I admit I'm a tad shocked Soran let you leave unattended."

Soran? I don't think either are on a first name basis. Although during their last meeting they spoke to one another with their proper titles, it seems Prince Baylor doesn't do so when Lord Makai isn't around. That pisses me off, but I try my best to keep on a courteous smile.

"There is no reason for the lord to attend to his butler. Besides, Lord Makai is busy conversing with his fellow lords and ladies. It is unlikely he has even noticed my absence."

"I highly doubt that."

Prince Baylor's sudden steps beat against the inside of my skull until my whole body vibrates. Then he's standing in front of me, as close as the day we met with a smile that fools all. In the back of my mind, even I'm tempted to believe the prince means no harm but it's only because I know better that my instincts continue to scream, run.

"Why don't we have a little chat, Wallie?" He asks.

A question it may sound like, but it certainly is not nor is it a request. This is an order, one he doesn't have to repeat. Prince Baylor gestures to an open door on my left leading to a small office.

"Do not worry. I will inform Soran that you were held up," he says, pressing his hand to my shoulder.

I pull away on instinct, my eyes widening with fear when Prince Baylor chuckles.

"Come along." He steps into the office, shutting the door behind me.

I think my legs are about to give out.

He gestures to the seating area. "Have a seat."

There is a small couch and an armchair facing a fireplace. Prince Baylor took the arm chair so I sit on the far end of the couch. He makes no mention of the distance.

"What is it you wish to speak with me about, Your Highness?" I ask, proud for not stuttering out every word. My heart is hammering so loud I fear I may not hear his answer.

"I am sure you can take a guess."

Yeah, but I do not take a guess.

"You know Lord Movell, do you not?"

I nod. "Yes, he has visited the estate."

"And offered you payment for your services."

Now I'm glad we're sitting. I fear I would have dropped had I been standing.

"Which you understandably declined, as others have claimed the same before you. However, based on what I've heard, Soran has some semblance of trust with you and you to him." Prince Baylor is smiling but the room is ice cold.

He's waiting for me to speak but I don't know what to say. The longer I'm here, the more frightened I become. What is it that he wants me to say? What is he getting out of asking? By not answering, am I making my situation better or worse? I'm at a loss.

"Wh-what are you saying?" I ask, clutching my pants in hopes to keep my hands from shaking.

"I'm not saying anything, but I am curious. What are you hiding?"

"I'm not—"

"Lying won't help. You know there are spies within the Makai estate and they have their eyes on more than just Soran."

My mouth goes dry. How much has been seen? The times we've joked together, the times we've appeared friendly with one another, how much does Prince Baylor know? And how does he know? These spies, Lord Makai has an idea of them so he must have his own precautions in place. Is the prince tricking me then? Is this a lie to see how I'll react? I'm getting a headache from all this drama.

"Then again, it may be exactly as you said and you declined due to fear," says the prince. "Perhaps you're not as infatuated with the vampire as I've been lead to believe."

Once again, my cheeks are warm. I hate myself for reacting because that reaction doesn't go unnoticed. Prince Baylor's sly smirking is very telling, his tone even more so when he asks, "Tell me, what do you think of your lord? After meeting the two of you the other day, I almost thought the atmosphere to be romantic in nature. Was it?"

I'm supposed to respond but I'm too frightened to do so.

"Could it be that you are actually infatuated with the cursed bastard?"

And I hate that my brows furrow with frustration. I'm only digging myself a bigger hole.

"This is truly interesting." Prince Baylor laughs; the sound cold and distant. He leans back, legs crossed and hands folded comfortably in his lap.

"Whatever it is you are trying to imply, it isn't true, Your Highness. I am nothing more than a butler, one that His Grace does show trust in, I can admit that. It is only because I've proven my worth," I manage to force out, hoping that the fear can't be heard in my voice.

"If that is true, there should be no issue proving it."

I raise a brow.

"Accept this offer, Wallie, and I'll believe you." Prince Baylor reaches into his jacket pocket. He tosses a thick white envelope into my lap, gesturing for me to open it. When I do, I find a wad of cash that is more than I'll probably make in a year. It is double, if not triple what Lord Movell offered me prior.

"Continue getting special treatment from Soran. Continue to earn his trust, do as I order and you will receive that every month for the rest of your life."

My hands shake when I ask, "And if I say no?"

"Then I'll know that you have lied so, what is your answer?"

He already knows that I lied; this is a test. Regardless of my answer, I'll be watched and the truth will be discovered. I don't need time to think of a response.

My hands are shaking when I slide the envelope across the coffee table without a word.

"How loyal you are, Wallie," says Prince Baylor when he suddenly stands.

My gaze follows the predator stalking around the back of the couch until he's standing directly behind me. There's enough time to blink before cold steel rests against my neck. Pressing the dagger beneath my chin, Prince Baylor forces me to peer up at his cold expression.

There's that belief that your life flashes before your eyes moments before death. I think I'm seeing that now, imagining my mother's face, the sound of her voice and trying desperately to do the same for my father. Thinking of Soran, wondering if he'd miss me should I leave and asking myself if I can take a chance to run.

But there's no time to really do anything other than panic as the blade is ripped back to tear at my skin in seconds.


Well hi there :D What a nice cliff hanger, isn't it? ^^ Oh dear, oh my, whatever could happen next~ I ain't even gonna ask more questions this time hehehehehehehehe

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