Chapter 5

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As much as I'm curious about Dean or Death as he likes to be called. I need to find out what's going on with Ella.

"So what are u doing here" Nate asked as we both sit on his couch.

"Ella left so fast from school and I had no ride so I just decided to come to your house since it's close by"

Before he can respond his phone rings.

"What?" He says in a hush tone.
He looks so intent I wanna know who is talking to.
"I'll be there in 10" he hangs up and rushes to the front door.
" lily I'm going to drive you home but then I have to go "

"Ok, but what's wrong" I get up and head outside.

"Don't worry about it" he tells me as he gets in the car and starts it.

I get in still worried about what's going on with him.

"You know you can tell me anything" I say trying confront his as he looks stressed.

"Damn it Lily I said don't worry about it" he yells at.

I jump in my seat, " I just wanna help!" I tell back.
He doesn't answer he just parks the car at the curb if my house.


"Lily just go I'll text you later " he runs his hands through his hair.

As soon as I'm out the car he jets away. I mean I know that his business is his but damn he didn't have to treat me like that.

I head inside my house and start  calling Ella but she doesnt answer and a min later I get a text from her.

Ella: I can't talk right now. I'll call you later. love you :*

At this point I'm convinced they have something going on. And I can't help my self but do what I'm about to do.

Ells house is about 2miles away and since I don't have a car I just start to walk there.

Every thought going through my head just make me that much more angry. I just hope I'm wrong.

30mins later.
   I'm two houses away from hers but from here I can see Nate's car. I am beyond fuming but I'm trying to calm my racing heart to givethem the benefit of the doubt and I sprint the rest of the way towards her front door.

Just as I was about to knock I hear voices.

" We are gunna have to tell her Nate"

" I know I just don't know how "

Tell me what i think to myself as i keep listening.

"I love you and I can't keep seeing you guys together."

"Ella, you have to give me sometime"

"Time!, its been 6 months already.."

At that I start knocking on the door. Ella cracks the door and speaks outside.

"Lily!, what are you doing here"

"What am I doing here?! The better question is what the hell is Nate doing here"

She looks at me so shocked and scared that without an  once of patience left I push the door the rest of the way open.

Nate stands up from where he was sitting and looks at me so shocked.

So here we are Ella shamefully standing by the front door scared and Nate look at me like a deer caught in head lights.

"Don't worry about it Lily" I mock what he told me earlier." So this is what has been going on".

They both say nothing.

"Say something damn it! " I screech.

"Lily it's not what you think" he walks towards me.

" I heard it all Nate and what hurts is it didn't just start its been going on for 6 months" I say so much hurt inside me.

"I didnt want you to find out this" he trysts to touch me but I turn and walk away from them.

"Lily wait" I hear Ella.

"I have no words for you just leave me alone" disappointed and hurt I make my way back home.

I didn't get far before I see Nate's car ride up beside me.

"Please get in"

"Nate fuck off"

"I meant when I said I love you"

I stop in my tracks and look at him" If you loved me we wouldn't be going through this right now. Your not worth my time anymore so just go"

"So your just gunna walk then at least let me take you home"

"Don't worry about me I'm good" I start walking home.

As I walk home hurt, disappointed, and angry I think to myself may it's all for the best.

He was my past and that's where I'm gunna leave him. As for Ella well karma is a bitch.

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