Chapter 6

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  Nate and Ella have been blowing up my phone all night that I literally had to out it on silent.

I'm dreading going to school today but I refuse to let them have that power. I'm still in shock that all this even happened. But like the boss I am I get up and get ready to make the entrance of a lifetime.

I am walk toward the school entrance and right before I get to the doors I see Death in all his glory.

"Hey, what are you doing here" he stops in his tracks and turns to look at me.

"Nate forgot his phone like a dumbass" he holds the phone up.

He places the phone is his pocket all the while looking me and up and down. Me being self conscious I start to

"Nice outfit" he smirks.


"I heard what happened"

"What?" I ask him confused.

"I heard Nate on the phone with some girl name Ella and I heard all the shit that went down" he tells me.

"Yeah well Nate can eat shit for all I care" I say so angirly my jaw constricts.

"Hey calm your tits woman" he chuckles.

"What the hell is so funny" I scrunch my nose.

"You look like a rabid chihuahua" he continues to laugh at me.

Getting fed up I start to walk away but mid step he grabs my upper arm. He twist me around and I jolt and end up smashing into him. My face hits his chest and all I smell a sweet subtle woodsy sent. I push him away before he could even tell I smelt him.

"Wanna get out of here"

"I have school" i point to the front door of the school.

"I know I just thought you need to get away for a day" he smiles.

"What about Nate's phone"

"Fuck Nate" he goes to the doors and in one swift motion opens and chucks it right into school office.

Laughing I follow him to his car which is pretty simple. It's a four door white sedan.

"Where are you taking me" I ask while getting in the car.

"Mc Donald's" he says sarcastically.

"Your not gonna tell me are you" I say folding my arms.

As we drive past trees and buliding after buliding I start to get bored.

"Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out, got me singin' like
Na, na, na, na everday
It's like my iPod's stuck on replay, replay
" I start to sing to myself.

And as singing I kid you not he starts to sing the second verse. I look at him in awe realizing he could actually sing.

"Remember the first time we met
You was at the mall with your friend
I was scared to approach you
But then you came closer
Hopin' you would give me a chance" he sings so perfectly.

"That's was so-"

"Were here" he interrupts me before I could finish.

I look around but it looks like we are nowhere.

"Omg, this is where you kill me right" I say dramatically.

Rolling his eyes he gets out the car and start walking through the trees till I can't see him anymore.

At rapid speed I run toward the area he went hoping he didn't get to far. I didn't get to far before my clumsy ass decides this would be a nice place to fall.

As I'm falling I'm hoping he'd magically catch me like every wattpad story I ever read but since this is the real world that doesn't happen and I just smack straight to the dirt.

"You have got to be kidding me "  I sit up and brush myself off.

You know in every scary movie where there is that one person that falls and it's that sickening fake fall right in front of the killer and your just like what the hell you doing get back you and run all the while there just scooting away screaming. Yeah well I honestly think that would probably be me.

After a min I get up and just start walk in no particular direction hoping I come across him but luck just isnt on my side. As I'm walking the dirt gets thicker and i end up sliding in the mud all the way into a damn lake. I'm flipping around I trying to stay above water spitting and checking and all I hear I laughter like knee bending laughter.

"Just stand up" he says through his laughter.

I do as he says and stand up and yes dear I say it. It was only three feet deep. Embarrassed and wet I stomp towards him.

"Why did you leave me"

" I..I.i.i was right by you the whole time" he says trying to catch his breath.

"Oh so you saw me struggling"

"It was quite amusing"

"I'm glad I amuse you" I say sarcastically walking back towards the car.

" I hope you don't think your getting in my car like that"

"I don't think I know" i stay still walking.

I should have just stayed and did my entrance.

"Come here" he says hopeful.

I turn around to look at him holding my arms up.

"I need to change"

He lifts his shirt and take it off handing it to me,"here just wear my shirt. You can clean your stuff later".

I take his shirt and start to strip off my clothes. I look to see what he is doing and he is turned away from me. Awe at least he has manners.

"Done" I tell him.

"I wanna show you something" he beckons me to follow.

I follow him to a clearing where the sunset hits the water and giving a ripple effect that is beyond beautiful.

And we just stand there side by side taking it all in.

"Beautiful sunsets need cloudy skys" he says while smiling at me. I know what he means and it just hits deep.

And in that moment after everything there's no place I rather be than right here with him.

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