Chapter 4

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As I walk to my third period I go over the last nights text from Nate in my head.

I might be thinking to much of it but like I can't help it i mean shouldn't I love him back. Something in me didn't want to say it back.

I shake my head of my thoughts not wanting to think about it anymore.

I walk in to class and see Ella already seated.

"Hey, where were you. You weren't in first period" I ask while sitting next to her.
"My car wouldn't start so I had to get my mom to bring me" she looks to me and smiles.
Nodding I turned towards the front.

" Ok class for your first assignment of the year you will have to pick a song of your choice and perform it in front of the class in 20 mins" Ms.Fawn announces then sits at her desk.
Already knowing what I want to sing I look up the lyrics on my phone.(Adore you by Harry Styles)
I don't know there is just something about that song. I vibe with it.

"Do you know what song your doing" I turn to Ella who is on her phone as well.

"Um, I'm not sure yet.You?" She looks up at me.

"Harry Styles- Adore you." I say confidently.

"Oh that's nice" she says monotone and looks back at her phone.

"Ok class times up. Who wants to go first." Ms.Fawn looks around but no one raises there hand.
" I'm gunna call last names in alphabetical order "She decides.

15mins later and my name is called and to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I get up to the front and hesitantly at first and began the song.

" Honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do"

I decide to stop there and everyone claps as soon as I finish.

"Wow Miss.Thomas you have a wonderful voice. I'd like to hear more from you" Ms.Fawn stands up and claps for me.

Ella goes through the song she picked and then the bell rings to be dismissed.

She runs out so fast I don't have enough time to catch up her.

I walk out of class and text Nate.


I put my phone away and head to my next class.


Nate has yet to reply. Maybe he's mad at me or something.

I rub my face in frustration. I get to the parking lot realizing I have no ride home.

I just start walking to Nate's house since he just lives down the street from here. I've been to his house just never inside.

I know what your thinking you've been with him for a year but never been in his house. Its just that I didn't feel comfortable enough, weird I know but that's me the weird chick.

Anyway I make it to his house and see his car. I run up the drive way and knock on the door.

Now the person who opened the door was an utter shock because dang I almost melted in to a puddle just by his looks.

He stood there just looking at me with annoyance written all over his features.

"Uh um, Is Nate here" I ask trying to look anywhere but his bare chest.

"Not here" he say gruffly while running his hand through his hair.

I look at Nate's car in the drive way and then back at him.

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