The Story Unfolds.

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The stone halls of the dark palace were cold and silent. Only the crackling of the fire could be on the torches and the echoing footsteps of one creature or another scutteling about.

All the creatures seemed to cower away at the mere sight of the great beast of a man that passed through the corridors.

With every footstep, the ground shook. With every stride his black armour clanged loudly. With every footfall the noise would echo for what seemed like years before it finally died down.

He burst through the doors into his throne room and watched as his servants backed away. With a loud thud, he sat down on his throne and raised his hands. With a snap of his fingers, there came a puff of black smoke and there stood a rather happy looking man.

He tucked a stray strand of silver hair behind his ear before he pulled up the collor of his red cowl. He looked down at his form, having been imprisoned to his sword form for near of two decades, he had forgot what his human shape looked like. His tight white suit was as sharp as ever and though he hadn't checked his make up in twenty years, his pearly white lipstick was still there and still as plump.

"Master!" Ghirahim exclaimed, clapping his hands together, "It's been too long!"

"Twenty three years to be exact." Ganondorf grumbled as he rubbed his  temples in order to soothe his headache, "Twenty three years of banishment..."

"And you've been recovering yourself, I see." Ghirahim noted as he looked around the dark throne room.

When Ghirahim had last layed eyes on the throne room, it had been the day the late Queen of Hyrule had been murdered. With her dyeing breath she doomed Ganondorf and all his subjects to spend eternity in his castle. The castle was in ruins and most of Ganondorf's forces had been depleted, including his own powers.

Now Ganondorf's castle was back to its former glory and all around the room, Ghirahim could see Bokoblins and Moblins, all armed to the teeth. Ganondorf himself had finally, after all these years built up his power again.

"Rejoice, my friend," Ganondorf slumped back in his throne as he continued to recover from the magic he had just performed, "For twenty three years I've been recovering my power, and my first act after doing so was to bring you back to this realm."

"Thank you, Master!" Ghirahim bowed happily as Ganondorf gestured to a smaller stone chair - not a throne but just as great - and Ghirahim sat down next to him.

"Have you given up your hopes on our last plan then, Master?" Ghirahim asked timidly, knowing how badly they failed last time.

"My goal had never changed, but now I am restored and you are freed, I can concentrate my energy on you, allowing you to escape this banished realm and do my bidding for me." Ganondorf let a toothy smile cross his lips as for the first time in over two decades, he saw his goal within reach.

"Of course Master," Ghirahim said happily as he nodded his head frantically, "What is it you want me to do?"

"I want to finish what I started." Ganondorf stated simply, "But to do that, I need out if here. I was banished here by Queen Zelda herself. Logically, Princess Zelda should be my ticket out."

"As you wish."


"So," Zelda started as she broke of a chunk of bread to munch on as they sat down for lunch and she found herself talking to Luke, "What made you and Link become knights?"

"Well, I had never thought about it before. I had always assumed I would work for dad when I grew up." Luke sighed as he munched on his own chunk of bread.

"What do you mean by that?" Zelda asked, intrigued by Luke's story.

"Dad used to own a ranch on the outskirts of Hateno Village. When mum died, me and Link helped work on the ranch. But when dad died, I was about fifteen, Link was thirteen. We couldn't keep the ranch up so we left for the castle. And that's brings us here." Luke finished with a smile which Zelda obviously couldn't see.

"Speaking of Link," Luke changed the subject and spoke with a chuckle, "Are you avoiding him?"

"Yeah," Sheik sighed as she ate the last of her bread and turned to where she could hear Link laughing with Ernest.

"Is this, by any change due to my brother's obsessive crush on you?" He asked with a nudge in the ribs.

"Yeah," Zelda sighed in defeat as she hung her head low.

Ever since she had learnt that Link was attracted to her, she had tried her best to avoid him. She had never been in a situation where she had to deal with new feelings.

Link was a fine man. She had been told he was handsome but she literally didn't see it, she had become friends with the real Link but she still didn't know if she could trust him. Though she didn't want to admit her father was right, she didn't want to trust many people because she knew if she trusted in the wrong person she could end up dead.

For the past week, when they set up camp for the night, the Knights would lay their bedrolls next to each other near the fire and Sheik would insist on sleeping elsewhere because she didn't know them that well.

Having made up her decision on Link, that night she placed her bedroll next to Link but made sure that there was a substantial gap between then just in case.

As she layed down, she could tell Link was surprised by this, to which she answered with, "I'm giving you a chance, don't blow it."

Link hesitantly reached out and held her hand before he fell asleep. It took Zelda longer to sleep because she was still contemplating what she was doing.

She was allowing herself to trust someone for once. This could be the start of something that would lead her to her downfall but tried to ignore it for now.

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