The Long Game.

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"But sir, shouldn't we just kill the King now?" Ghirahim whined.

"No, not yet. Zelda is the prize, not him. Hylia's blood runs through her veins, the Triforce of Wisdom resides in her, control her and you control Hyrule." Ganondorf concluded with a malicious grin, leaning back in his stone throne.

"Then why not kill her now? Or better, give her to me?" Ghirahim beamed only for his smile to fade as his master glared at him.

"Do you never listen? We need to control her. For near od twenty years I have waited to fulfill my plan and I will not fail because of your incompetence!" He beat his fist on the side of the throne, making the ground shake.

"Then what do we do with the King and the new Queen?" Ghirahim smirked, hoping for a messy end to at least one of them.

"Well, the King is the only person who can control the little Princess so we won't kill him yet... As for the new Queen, do with her what you will..." The beast smiled a toothy smile.

"The only person who can control her is her father?" Ghirahim mused.


"Link!" She yelled, standing on her balcony and looking down at him as he climbed down.

"I'm sorry Sheik- Princess!" He called back, hurting down the tower, scared at how anyone would react to him running away from the Princess' room.

Zelda smacked her hand irritably on the balcony wall as she began to climb down after Link. He was slower than her so she, even though she was in a dress, caught up with him.

"Stop!" She protested, grabbing onto a strong vine with one hand and grabbing Link's collar with the other, forcing him to stop climbing down.

"Princess, I'm sorry for intruding," Link sighed, trying desperately to not believe that she was actually his girlfriend.

"Link, I'm Sheik, believe it!" She said through gritted teeth, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn't lose the only person she thought she could trust in the real world.

Knowing this wasn't going anywhere in terms of his disbelief, the two climbed down in silence. As they touched down on the grass, she turned to him.

Before he could hurry away from her, she grabbed his hand and held it tightly. He protested but she grabbed his shoulder and pressed her lips to his. They had only kissed twice but in that moment, Link finally believing it was her. Her lips were just as soft and so were her hands.

"Why...?" He whispered slowly as they broke apart.

"What do you mean?" She asked, a little on edge by being out in the open with him, no longer in disguise.

"Why did you deceive me?" He asked, an angry intone in his voice.

"I... I couldn't- I can't..." She stuttered, put off by his question.

"No offense your majesty but you actually made me care deeply for a woman that doesn't exist!" Link growled irritably, tugging his hand away from her and stalking off towards the barracks.

"Link!" Zelda hissed back at him as she ran back up to him, grabbed his shoulders in a tight and firm grip so he couldn't move, "I do exist!"

"So are you Sheik or the Princess?" He asked.

"You can call me Zelda," she tried smiling but found that tears were beginning to well up in her eyes.

"Well then, Zelda, how can I trust you if your a two-faced woman?" He sighed, no longer trying to escape her.

She sighed deeply, realising there was no other way of proving her trust for him and keeping him with her. She had gone all her life with only her father and Impa to trust, now she finally had Link, someone so like herself to confide in. As much as her rational mind would have protested, she didn't want to lose him so she took one of his hands and raised them to her eyes.

She closed them as she made him run his fingers over her eyelids.

"I'm blind..."

"Now you're just playing me for a fool!" He retorted irritably, sighing but she could not see his eyeroll.

"It's the truth! I've been blind since I was a little child... I'm trusting you with this information..." She sighed, looking away in shame.

"But I've seen you fight, you're the most talented woman I've ever met..."

"My gift. But I can't see a thing, not the grass beneath our feet, the armour you are wearing, not your face... I am blind..."


"You seem rather cheerful today, Zelda..." Impa mused as she sat down on the proof at the side of the bed, "Anything happen that I should know about?"

"Nothing, step-mother," Zelda chuckled, still getting used to the fact Impa was no longer just her friend and protector.

"I've been talking with your father. I had hoped to get him to allow you a little more freedom, you know, a trip to Castle Town, allowing you to meet a few foreign Lords..." She said with a smile as Zelda turned to her with a skeptical look.

"Me? You really want me to walk out in public, smile, wave and pretend I'm normal? You know me better than that!"

"Of course I do but it would be quite difficult to explain to your father how you climb down your tower every week..." Impa sighed, rubbing the back of her neck.

"You okay?" Zelda asked, hearing Impa groan.

Ignoring her question, Impa continued, "I'm a little concerned about your father though... Yesterday he dismissed all the members of his council when only last week he was telling me how important they were to his rule."

"That's odd." Zelda agreed, "The council is essential to a monarch's rule, they advise them and inform them on the affairs of the kingdom. Why my father has disbanded his council I have no idea, there hasn't been a ruling of a king nor queen without an inner council since the dark days."

"Without a council, it's less of a democracy, he can pass laws without approval... Aw well, this is your father we are talking about, I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He would never knowingly bring harm to Hyrule..."


"You've done well," Ghirahim snarled as he sat down on the desk and looked behind him at the King, his expression blank and motionless.

"It's not long now, I promise..." She smirked, "It's been a long game, but now me and my master are going to win."

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