Catching Feelings

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"Oh. My. Days. This is HAPPENING!" Chelsea squeals, clapping while bouncing up and down in her chair.

"Nothing is happening, Chelsea." You shake your head, but can't help laughing at your enthusiastic friend. "It was two weeks ago. We were both drunk. He probably doesn't even remember." You sigh disappointingly, looking down at your breakfast.

Lottie smirks, her intense green eyes staring into your soul. "Well, Izzy, do you want him to remember?"

"Yes! Er, NO! I mean... I don't know what I want." You rest your forehead on your hand, propped up on the table. "I'm so confused."

Lottie, Gary, Chelsea, Rahim, and Elijah are in Glasgow for your quarterly "friends weekend". Last time Lottie and Gary hosted, mainly because everyone was dying to meet Gary's nan. Boy, that did not disappoint. That woman is a riot, and Gary had severely undersold her Sunday roast. This time everyone elected to have a chill long weekend. First order of business was a girls only brunch with your two besties. "Any excuse for some morning bubbly!" According to Chelsea.

"What is there to be confused about? You fancy him, he fancies you, seems pretty cut and dry to me!" Chelsea smiles dreamily at you.

"I never said I fancied him." Your eyes shift between the two girls, and you nearly surprise yourself with the defensive tone that carries your words.

"But you never said you didn't, either." Lottie smirks. "Did she, Chels?"

Chelsea and Lottie share a conspiratorial smile before turning their attention back to you.

"Of course I love Bobby, he is my best friend. But I don't fancy him." I can't, you finish internally.

"Omg, you know I've totally shipped you two since we first met! I've always told you that you'd be an awesome team, and I'm never wrong about these things." Chelsea resumes wiggling in her chair, a beaming smile plastered to her already naturally happy face.

"We are a great team, but that hardly means we're soulmates. But I'll humor you. Let's pretend I DID fancy him. Then what? He doesn't like me like that. You didn't see the look in his eyes earlier that night when we were talking about Priya. That wasn't a look he's ever given me." You say somberly.

Lottie still holds her gaze on you, but her expression softens. "Babes, of course he wouldn't look at you like that. You've never broken his heart." Shaking her head, her face becomes pensive and she continues. "I cannot imagine Bobby would snog you without there being some level of feelings there. It's just not like him."

Chelsea nods in agreement. "Is he acting any differently towards you at all? Any swoony glances?" She probes, her violet eyes shining, clearly delighted at the possibility.

"That's just it." You shake your head. "He isn't acting any different. It's like he drank himself into an amnesia. When we woke up the next morning he was confused for a minute, but then went about the morning as usual. Well a little slower because of the massive hangovers we were both nursing-"

"Wait." Lottie interrupts your ramble, sharing a knowing look with a wide-eyed chelsea before her eyes pierce your soul yet again. "You woke up together ? I thought you said it was just a kiss? Izzy, what aren't you telling us?"

Looking down into your lap and fumbling with your ring, you're suddenly thinking back to that night.

Moaning into Bobby's mouth, you feel his hands sliding higher up your back as he works to gather the fabric of your sweatshirt, removing it in one motion. In the whirlwind of movements you aren't sure who removed what, but your hands are now clutching his bare back as you start planting wet kisses down his neck.

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