(5)- Mum has so many looks

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Imagine asking someone who Beyonce was and getting a dumb look. Imagine how shocked you would be, it would be like saying you didn't know you needed air to survive.

That look, that same shocked look was the look Oliver had on his face when I said I had no idea who Jeffrey was. Was he some god I was supposed to worship? Geez, he wasn't even Poseidon. Now, I would definitely worship the god of the sea. (Only because the myths mention how handsome he is. Did I mention hot too?)

Anyway, the whole Jeffrey thing was about an hour ago, and I had already said goodbye to Oliver. I was on my way to the mall with my mum. She has always been good with time, so, as soon as I stepped out of school, she was already waiting for me. She had this exasperated look that lightened at the sight of me. She must have gotten tired of waiting for me already.

"Hi mum," I said, smiling brightly. Anything to get away from her wrath.

When she didn't give an answer, I glanced at her face.

Uhh uhh. This is not good.

Mum only had that look when she was wondering the most painful thing to do to someone.

"I'm really sorry mum. I know I'm late. And I know the time is..." I trailed off and glanced at my wristwatch, "three fifty... Oh."

"You can say that again. I thought we had a plan." Mum interrupted.

"And you were supposed to be waiting immediately school was over." She continued. She had that look she got when she was about to begin a major rant, which always went on for a long time.

"I'm sorry. I really am. It's just that I made a friend today, and I had to go with him to get something." I explained.

At the mention of friend, mum's face brightened.

"A friend? Did you just say a friend?"

"Yes mum." I muttered lowly. If I had known I'd have her at the mention of friend, I would have mentioned it earlier.

"Sheila, you made a friend! Seriously! Wow, how did that happen?" She asked.

Wow mum. Thanks so much for believing in my social skills.

"Come here hon. I'm so proud of you." She said, spreading her arms out in a hug.

I could have gotten all dramatic, but I would take what I had. Praise the smoothies! She was no longer angry.

When we got into the car, she wanted to know more about this friend. And did I mention he was a he? How did such amazing miracle happen. So, I had to begin the story of my day from the moment dad and I left the house. She made funny comments when I described how I got lost and got to my first class late. She cracked up when I described my entire conversation with Oliver.

"I like this Oliver boy. Do you think you could invite him to our house anytime soon?"

"Uhh mum... Don't get ahead of yourself. I only just met him. We can't invite him over yet." I stated.

Before long, we were pulling into the mall lot. Whatever this town had going for them, I had to admit that the mall was freaking huge. There were different sections to check out, and they were organized in such a way that they all formed a big circle with a huge fountain at the center. It was really beautiful. Everything was.

Even window shopping here would not be a bad ides. I would lust after whatever clothing I could not get, and go get myself some snack at the food court to compensate myself.

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