(4)- "Sometimes, I think I am way too smart"

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The rest of the day passed in a blur, and before I knew it, school was over. By three pm, a high tech alarm went off through the whole school and had our teacher running out of the class. Oliver told me that the alarm was what signified the end of a school day.

Humming with excitement, I hurried Oliver out of the class and into the school halls. As we made our way out of the school, I waved at few people that I had gotten to know today. At the number of people I greeted, Oliver turned to me with raised eye brows.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just that I'm surprised that you already know this much persons. Are you sure we attended the same classes today?" He teased. "Because I could have sworn that you didn't leave my side."

Rolling my eyes in response, I replied. "Blablabla. So, what if I sat down beside you all day? Didn't I talk to other people in our classes? Or was I holding up a paper that read 'keep off, dangerous zone ahead of you'?"

"Sometimes, I think I am way too smart."

"Hmmm," he said.

"I'm serious. I might not be a people person, but I make friends easily." I told him.

"Yeah, says the person with the worst introduction to ever grace planet Earth." He said, smiling mischievously.

I gave him an exasperated look in return and he burst into laughter. As we got closer to the school entrance, he took a detour.

"Hey Oliver, I think we're going the wrong way." I said, gesturing at the entrance.

He gave a little smile at my expression. "No, we are not. We are going to my locker."

"Why?" I asked.

"I need to drop my stuffs in there," he explained.

With crossed arms, I questioned. "And...?"

A little confused, he gave me a questioning look which I returned.

"And..." He trailed off.

"Are you going to drag me along, or ask me to come with you?" I said.

Groaning in realization, he face palmed. " I'm so sorry. Miss Sheila Jordan, could you please come along with me to my locker?"

Now that's way better. Smiling a little, I replied, "of course, I'd like to come along."

"It's not far from here." He said as we continued our walk. True enough, we got there in a matter of seconds.

When he opened the locker, I gasped in surprise. They take the locker game here seriously! The locker was like a whole walk in closet. It was divided vertically into two equal sides, and each sides were divided into about five horizontal sections. He pulled out his books from his bag and dumped them in the topmost section.

Typical boys.

When he turned back to me, my eyes were still wide in amazement.

"Wow," I gasped out, like all the air was being dragged out of me.


"It's so big." I said.

"I know. It's one of the perks of being a senior student. You know, we have a lot of privileges as senior year students." He supplied.

"That's amazing. Can we go now?" I asked.

"Yeah. Speaking of lockers, where is yours?"

"I don't know. I haven't been given one."

"Now, that's some false information there. Who told you that?" Oliver asked.

"Nobody. I just figured it out by myself." I told him.

"Well, you figured it out wrong." He said.

Then he continued, "your locker number and partner should be written on one of the documents they gave you at the office. See, for example, my locker number is S29, you know S for Senior. And my locker partner is Jayden. He has his key, and I have mine."

"But, I don't have any document with any locker number and partner written on it." I argued.

"Gimme your bag." He commanded.

Defiantly, I handed the bag over to him. "Here you go, the documents are there." I said, pointing to a section of my backpack.

"Alright..." he trailed off.

As he searched through the documents, I looked around at the lockers that graced this section of the hall. The lockers were painted very boring colors of black and white, but they were made up for by the different stickers that graced the outside of each locker.

"Yes! I found it." Oliver exclaimed a few minutes later.

I turned towards him to see him holding up a paper in triumph, like he was excited to prove his point.

"Okay, fine. You win." I replied. Even the tone I used did nothing to dampen his excitement, and before long, I caught the excitement syndrome.

"Okay, your locker number is S40. And your locker partner is..." Then, he trailed off.

Never one for suspense, I demanded. "Is.... Is who? Tell me! Tell me!"

"Your locker partner is Jeffrey Stars..." He finished dramatically.

"Okay... Who the hell is Jeffrey?" I asked.


I've always had a thing for suspense. So, there, I'm testing waters.




Thank you!

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