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A week pass since I saw Ben, I been skip his class these last past day's. Its the weekend so I don't have school today but I have to deal with my parents and siblings. Today, Emily is having her third boyfriend over.

I swear god this women, it's like this: she stay with him for a week or two then breaks up with them if she doesn't like them. Her second boyfriend broke up with her within the third day of dating her, I think he was warned. Not by me, I guess a friend or someone.

I woke up before anyone so I can have breakfast in peace without my face being slam into my food. Once I finished, my family started to come downstairs. I quickly fast walked to the door, not wanting to deal with my family. I opened the door to a tall dude: dirty blonde hair, light brown eyes. "Oh! Emily home?" He spoke before even I could say anything, we heard a high pitch squeal. "Baby!" Emily push me and jump into the boy.

Guess that's her boyfriend, am surprised he could carry my sister fat ass. I suddenly felt my ear being tugged, I gripped the wrist. "Don't you dare fight back!" My father slapped me, leaving a red hand print on my cheek. What a bitch, I gently place my hand on my cheek. It stings a bit, I felt hands on my shoulders and immediately flinched them off. "Baby, you don't need to be kind to her!" "Why not?" Asked the boy, immediately my father gripped my arm. I try to pull back but I felt the nails penetrating my skin, I started to punch his arm. "Why do you always make a scene when we have guest over?!" He gripped my cheeks firmly making a O, I spit at him. He groan and gotten even more piss, he slapped with full force. "Sir! Please! Spare the lady life!" My ear rung, why does he care? I suddenly remember Ben smiles, no! Stop!

He doesn't care for me! I felt like crying, I want too. "Get the boy out, Emily!" Father demand, pointing a the door. The boy try to pull back from his girlfriend grip but he didn't had the strength too. I was dragged to backyard, I fought the grip but no use. I was throw outside, I try to get up but I kick in the abdomen. The sick pain in my stomach hurts like a bitch, I try to crawl away instead my hair was gripped. "You know what's going to happen! So be a good girl and SHUT UP!" Tears stream down my face, why was my life like this? Fuck my life! Fuck my family! Fuck Ben! They never cared, I only had myself! I..just want die

I was punched repeatedly, I could taste the bitter cold blood on my tongue. My vision blurred and I knock out cold.

"Amanda?" It sounded so clam and smooth, so sweet. I felt my cheeks were touched by such soft palm, I didn't flinch. I "Wake up, love." My eyes shot opened, it was cold and quiet. They left me outside that means they lock the doors, I got up but my waist hurt like hell. I walked to front of house, roaming the streets at night. I could scream help, my throat felt dry and blocked from speaking. A sudden man grabbed me from behind, I struggle to break free. A cloth was raise up to my mouth, my screams turned to mumbles. I suddenly stop struggling and felt...sleepy? "Hey! Stop it!" I was lowered to the floor, my vision blurred. I turned to see tall brunette, I face the night skies.


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