Run Away

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Nia was driving me to Ben house. I was nervous to the bone just coming to him. It felt like an turning myself in for no reason. "Hey. We're here," Nia told me, I took a deep breath before thanking her and leaving the car. Ben greeted me at the doorway, I couldn't resist give him a hug. You could actually feel the warm when he brace you or when you brace him. "Hey, hey, am here. I knew you'll be brave while am gone," Ben comfort me with his words, pulling back and pressed a kiss on my forehead. I suddenly felt no longer nervous.

"Benedict Cumberbatch?" Someone called, I turned around to find a mailman standing there. "Yes that's me," Ben replied, moving pass me and walking up to man. I was confused. How do you ordered from jail? Or maybe someone send him something. Ya... I'll take that. "I didn't ordered anything," Ben told the man as he signed the papers. "Someone send you something, sir," "Ah I see, thank you," Ben smiled, I got a closer look and it was a tape recorder. People still use these???

We got inside and sat down to hear the recording:

Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch. I was surprised to find you dating Amanda Trodaire which if am correct means fighter in Irish? Anyway as you know two people died: me and your little Irish friend. I had a loyal man send this to you once you got out of jail. I knew I was going to die so I made this is advance. I knew Amanda wouldn't come to agreement with me. I mean I felt her and caress her, and then betrayed her so I wouldn't be surprised. Andrew came in at the suspect time and I tried to spare her life but your girlfriend is a fighter so I by accident pull the trigger. Andrew was shot in the heart and instead of your little girl save him, she had to take on me. So he's dead and am dead all done by the girl next to you. So call me a murderer all you want but the real murderer is Amanda. Why am telling you this, Benedict? Catching you up.

The recording ended and both of our expression went blank. I didn't know what to say nor what to do. "He said he felt you and caress you," Ben looked at me, "Is there something I should know?" Oh lord...,"Probably trying to fool us, dear." I put on a fake smile and got up but he gripped my arm. "Amanda am not stupid. Please don't be afraid to tell me," "And what if I am?!" I interjected, he stared blankly at me.

"You believe him don't you?" Questioned I, he stood up. "Beside that your a murderer." Well I did committed first degree murder but he if doesn't believe it then I'll leave like that.

I grabbed my bag and started to pack . "Where are you going?" He asked, trying to stop me from leaving. "Somewhere far," I told him, I grabbed the syringe from the bag. I didn't want to use it on him but I knew he wouldn't let me leave so I had no other choice.

I let go of it and looked at him, "It's the best for you and I." "Say who? I fought storms for you and your going to leave? Just like that?" He questioned me, I felt bad but it needed to be done.

I grabbed the syringe and hid it in my pocket then walked to him. "I know and your a brave knight. I can see why Martin loved you in the first place," I smiled at him, reaching out to his cheeks. I brush his cheek with my thumb as he relax to my touch. He looked at me with his soft blue eyes, "He'll always be in my heart. Those memories I have with him will always stay." I brought him to hug then pull out the needle, "Please forgive me." "Amanda! Amanda this isn't you!!" He begged and begged, but I tighten my gripped on his neck as he tried to pull back. This was so hard to do that I started to cried. I kiss his cheeks and spoke, "Am so sorry. I love you." And injected the needle to his neck and pour in the fluid. I could feel it working as my body weight felt heavy due to Ben falling into my arms.

I threw the needle on the floor and carried my boyfriend to the sofa so he could lay dead there. I grabbed my bag and packed: clothes, phone, charger, and hygiene stuff. I wiped my tears before leaving through the back door.

"Was it hard? Putting your boyfriend down?" Ellison asked, looking at me. He sigh then looked up, "I remember killing my parents. Though it wasn't hard because I wasn't so attach like you are." I toss my bag at him, "Let's get moving." We climbed the wooden fence and walked to his car.

He drove me to woods and deeper we go into the woods. Soon we stop in the drive through of a huge mansion. We both got out and I gasp on how beautiful it was. "Frank! My man!" Ellison chirped, giving an old man a hug. "How's the wife?" He asked, with a huge smile on his face. I never seen him this happy over an small man. "She's better then ever!" Frank then notice me, "You brought over a lady? The last girl I seen you brought was Holly before you gone wild and all." Frank chuckle as if he was remembering good old memories. "Well Mart-" Before the old man could finish, Ellison rush over to cover his mouth. It was like a moment where the old man realizing his mistake and shut his mouth.

"Oh don't hush me, boy! He ain't famous!" The old man growled, slapping Ellison his hands away. He glared at him then walked to me with a smile, "Welcome my dear. Enjoy your stay."

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