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As Richie and Eddie pull up to the Italian restaurant the two can both feel butterflies build up inside. When they walk in Eddie starts to feel guilty, even though he's done nothing wrong. On the way up to the restaurant Richie has insisted on paying for his dinner, and by the looks of the building they were now standing in, this isn't place going to be cheap. Eddie knows how much Richie needs the money from his slightly above minimum wage job. They were also going to university next fall and even if Richie got in on a full scholarship he would need the money to pay for moving and for the dorms. As Richie is talking to the person at the front desk of the breathtaking restaurant Eddie leans over and whispers something in his ear.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to the washroom." Eddie lied, he had been here before with his mother.
Eddie walked into the men's room and the pleasant scents coming from the kitchen were replaced by the scent of cold, wet stone. Eddie remembered the door that leads to the extra parking in the back. He exits the musty bathroom and walks out into the late evening air.

Eddie leaned up against the brick wall and he slid down so that he was sitting with his knees pulled up to his chest. He feels tears pricking his choclate-caramel coloured eyes. He tried to hold it in but the tears soon flowed down his freckled cheeks just like waterfalls over cliffs. Eddie kept beating himself up inside for crying. In this moment his anxiety was taking over him.

"Eds?" Never in his entire life had he been happier to hear the nickname that he hated, but loved so much.
Richie sat next to his boyfriend and put his arm around the shorter boy. "Shhh Eddie breathe honey." Richie cooed softly at the quivering boy who was in his arms.
Eddie felt guilt looming over him like a shadow. He gasps for breath. He pats down all his pockets but the small plastic inhaler is nowhere to be found. "Here, Eddie." Richie says handing the smaller boy the plastic aspirator that he thought to bring.

"Th-thanks Richie." The smaller brunette said before pushing the plastic device up to his lips and pulling the trigger. "Do you think you can tell me what's wrong?" Richie asks after a minute, remembering how to help Eddie deal with his panic attacks like how he did when they were twelve. "I was worried about you spending alot of money on me, this place looks expensive and i know you need it." He says feeling embarrassed.

"I'm sorry I know im being stupid." Eddie says under his breath, hoping his boyfriend didn't hear.
"Eddie, baby no. Your not being stupid, it's okay to worry." Richie said to his still shaking boyfriend. He places a hand on Eddie's back and starts to rub circles around it, remembering the way his mother used to comfort him before she became neglective.

"Eddie if your so worried than you can pay for your food, I can manage my own." Richie says pulling Eddie's face up so that they are looking into each others eyes.
"Rich, please just let me pay for your food." Eddie says, hoping that Richie will crack. "Fine, but next time we go out I pay." Richie said jokingly, resulting in a laugh from his lover. "C'mon spaghetti let's go." Richie said standing up and pulling Eddie with him. Eddie tried to lean up and kiss his much taller boyfriend but he was unsuccessful. Richie chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss into Eddie's forehead.
"I love ya, loser."
Richie said as he dragged Eddie back into the restaurant where Bill and Stan were waiting.

"Hey guys sorry it took so long.''
"Th-thats a-alright Eddie." Bill replied, smiling kindly at his best friend.
"Hey asshole how's it goin?" Richie said, earning a punch in the shoulder from Eddie. "Nothing much, you fuckface?" Stan replied, this time it was Bill doing the punching. The four shared a few moments of laughter as Richie and Eddie sat down.

The four boys have a few conversations about their favorite bands. (One in particular that Richie is rather obsessed with, My Chemical Romance) Richie cracked a few dirty jokes earning scowls from Bill and Eddie punching him jokingly in the shoulder about twelve more times.

"Hello gentlemen, what can I get for you today." The waiter asked the four boys, who had just been in an argument over which member of the alternative rock band Waterparks is better looking.
(A/n its Otto duh Awsten has rabies) They all ordered their food quickly wanting to get back to the debate. Richie meanwhile, has zoned out. He was staring at the ceiling which none of the other boys found peculiar until he missed a opportunity for a joke.

"Earth to Richie what planet are you on?" Stan asked laughing
"Richie to earth, I'd like to tell you to royally fuck off." Richie replied wittingly earning some giggles from Eddie and a scowl from Stan.
When their food arrived Richie noticed something that was hilarious to him.

Eddie ordered spaghetti.

"Eddie you cannibal! How dare you!" Richie joked, faking offence.
"Fuck off Richard." Eddie said knowing how much his boyfriend hates that name. "For your information Edward, I just dont want my boyfriend to be charged with cannibalism, sue me." Richie said loudly. Stan just started at the two.

Wow Richie must really love him.

Stan's heart warmed at the thought. They eat in a comfortable silence until it was broken by Richie getting way too excited about a song that was now playing over the speakers in the restaurant.
Richie starts to sing along and tease his boyfriend over the song.

"Oh Eddie baby wont you come to my arms, tonight?
I beg and plead you please succumb to my charms tonight."

Richie sang, and just like that the song was over and the boys had finished their food. The waiter came by and as promised, Eddie payed for both him and Richie's food. As the four were walking out Bill leaned over and whispered to Richie.

"If you break Eddie's heart, I will break your face." Bill says, knowing how hard Eddie is falling for the curly haired boy.
"Same goes for you and Stan." Richie says as he walks in the direction of his car. Eddie for some reason felt the urge to jump into Richie's arms, so he did. Richie of course caught him, placing Eddie's legs around his hips.

"Just testing." Eddie said quietly as he placed a kiss on the lips of his raven haired lover. The kiss, while short, was full of overwhelming love.

(1138 words)

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