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All of the losers were excited, they'd be reuniting after years. Richie had made jokes about the My Chemical Romance reunion, and compared it to the reunion of the Losers Club. One loser in particular, was more excited that the rest, Ben Hanscom. Ben, after the falling out of gus friend group, was bullied, more than before. Richie or Bev had usually stood up for him, but in highschool they didn't.

They all agreed to meet at Richies house at 5:30, of course none of then showed up at that time.

At around 5:00 Richie and Eddie were sprawled out on Richie's couch watching Stranger things, when they heard a knock at the door.

Eddie got up (much to his boyfriend's dismay) from the cuddle position that he could spend days in. When he opened the door his eyes are met with the sight of Beverly marsh, her fiery red curls are longer than the last time the two met, Eddie is now taller than Bev, not by much though.

"Bev! Hey! How are you?"
Eddie, says with a smile on his face, wrapping the girl in a tight hug.
"I'm great, actually! You?" Bev replied, sporting a matching grin on her face as the one on Eddie's.

"Awesome," Eddie responded, followed by, "Oh my god, Bev."  
He looked at the two 7/11 bags the redhead in front of him was holding.

"MARSH! GET YOU'RE CRUTST ASS IN HERE GODDAMNIT!" Richie shouted from the couch. She obliged, walking into the house she hasn't stepped foot in since she was twelve, she is now eighteen.

Richie stood up to hug, Bev only then realised how tall Richie really is. The girl barely reaches Richie's shoulder.

"Holy shit, Rich, you're tall ask fuck." Bev stated, craning her neck slightly to look Richie in the eye.
"You say that like its new information, short-stuff." The taller of the two said, messing up Beverly's curls.

"Let me guess, you got chips? Oh and chocolate?" Richie asked, leading Bev over to the table to set out the snacks.

"You know it." Beverly replied, pulling doritos,  flaming hot cheetoes, barbecue chips, out of one bag. Out of the other, came M & M's, and a two litre bottle of Pepsi.

Richie walked over to the cupboards above his stove and grabbed a cereal bowl, for the M & M's, and three lager bowls for the chips.

"Eddie, my love, come here." Richie said, lovingly. Eddie peeled himself off the couch, which he very much did not want to do, and walked over to his boyfriend.

"I love you." Richie said picking Eddie up and setting him down on the counter. The two kissed briefly, but separated when Bev had yelled at them about her standing right there.

Richie, Eddie, and Bev put the snacks into bowls and the Pepsi into the fridge. Richie had gone up stairs to get as many blankets and pillows as possible, when there doorbell rang again. Now it was 5:15, and Bill and Stan arrived.

When Richie came down the stairs and noticed that Bill was wearing one of Stanley's hoodies his heart melted a little bit.

Another five minutes go by of five teens chatting about random things when there was third knock at the door. Richie answered it this time, Ben and Mike had arrived together. That seemed a little strange to Rich but he brushed it off.

"Now the team fun can begin!" Yelled Richie, coming back into the living room where Eddie and other losers were sitting. "Luh-lets p-play truth or d-d-dare!" Bill blurted out.

The seven teenagers took spots all across Richie's living room. Eddie with his legs across Richies lap on one side of the couch, and Stan and Bill on the other, Bev was sitting in a chair she brought from the dining room, Mike sitting on the square coffee table, and Ben on the floor.

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