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It had been about three weeks since Richie and Eddie had started dating.

Three glorious weeks.

Richie had never felt more loved in his entire seventeen years of living, Eddie, had never been happier. They would walk to school hand in hand, and sometimes Richie would steal quick little kisses between classes. The two boys were made for each other, and all of their friends agreed.
Stan had called the two, "Disgustingly adorable," on a few occasions.

Not everyone in their lives thought they were made for eachother though, Henry Bowers, being one of them. Rich and Eddie had to deal with constant insults and slurs from a good majority of their classmates.

Another person who did not approve of the relationship between the two teenage boys, was none other than Sonia Kasprak; Eddie's mother.

Eddie was getting ready for school on a Thursday morning, excitement coursing through him, Richie had been sick the day before and refused to let Eddie come take care of him, this is probably the longest time the two spent away from eachother for a while.

"Edward Kasprak get down here right now!" Eddie hears his mom shout at him while he's picking an outfit for the day. He jogs down the stairs and the small brunette can feel his heart drop to the pit of his stomach and his breath start to hitch in his throat.

His mom was sitting on the couch holding his phone; which displayed a text conversation between him and Richie from the previous night:

Richie: Eddie, my love?

Eddie: Yes, handsome?

Richie: I love you baby <3

Eddie: Love you too! I miss you :(

Richie: Cant get enough of me, huh Eds?

Eddie: On that note, I'm going get some sleep ♡

Richie: Night, bubs <3

"What the hell is this Eddie? I thought I told you not to talk to him anymore, he's a bad influence on you honey. You do know what people say about him right?" His mother spits at him, waving the conversation in front of his face as if it were evidence for solving a murder.

"What do they say about him, ma?" Eddie asks, trying to sound genuinely interested in what the people in Derry say about Richie Tozier. Pfft like I'd care. Eddie thought, but was soon interrupted with, "Eddie, they say he's a queer, a faggot. I don't want that kind of influence on you, Eddie bear."

Eddie feels a surge of rage throughout his body. "Guess what ma! I am too! That's right I'm gay! And you know what, in fucking proud! Because there isn't anything wrong with it!" He retorts, feeling a huge weight being lifted from his shoulders.

She gasped, "Eddie bear, you're sick honey! Get to your room! You are not leaving untill you're better." Eddie's face morphed into a look of total shock. "GO EDDIE! RIGHT THE HELL NOW!" She snapped at him, Eddie was taken aback; his mother hasn't raised her voice at him since he was in middle school. Out of nothing less than fear, Eddie went back to his room.

He sat down on his bed and just cried, sobs racked his body for what felt like hours. Eddie felt like a piece of him was missing, and that piece; Richie.

I can't believe you're mine &lt;3 } ReddieWhere stories live. Discover now