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"of course," sadie winked at me.

i took a deep breath, reassured that she took my slip up well. sadie walked over to millie who was gesturing for her. just as he saw sadie stumble away, finn moved towards me.

"how are you feeling?" he looked at my tears that i hadn't noticed were forming.
"oh, i'm great! i'm just an emotional drunk," i laughed at him. that wasn't a lie. i cried uncontrollably when under the influence.

"you wanna go get some fresh air?" finn gestured to the balcony.

"i'd love that," i started walking to the door and he followed holding a drink.
once we were outside we sat on the porch swing that was set up on the small balcony. i looked out to the night sky and we were silent for a minute.

finn interrupted the silence, "tell me something interesting about you."

"what do you want to know?" i pulled my eyes from the skyline to meet his eyes.

"i don't know, something that will help me get to know you better," he responded.

"that's too hard. ask a question, wolfhard."

"okay fine. what's your favorite film genre?"

"comedy, obviously, but i also love films that focus on the cinematography. there's just something so special about a pretty shot," i smiled softly.

"i like comedy too," finn said, "now what do you want to know about me?"

"who are you closest to in the cast?" i asked, genuinely curious.

"probably gaten... i don't really know. they're all like family. i've grown up with them," he looked to the sky.

"that's really sweet honestly. i've never found my place with friends or family like that..." i said. i was worried that sounded desperate but he quickly responded seeing my doubt.

"i think you're really cool," finn paused, "if you ever need anything, i'm here."
"thanks finn, that's really helpful actually."

"so what are your opinions on everyone so far?" he asked, sipping his drink.

"oh i don't know..." i trailed off, looking at my lap and giggling.

he looked at me, "you can trust me, my loyalties are with you."

"and just why should i trust you?" i looked at him, trying to hold myself back from full blown laughter.

"well, i'm out here on this balcony talking to you rather than fucking around with them."

"you're smooth, wolfhard," i shook my head. i then took my pointer fingers and placed them on my temples. i closed my eyes for a moment. then i moved my fingers from my own temples to his. he closed his eyes and smiled slightly.


her antics were amusing.

she opened her mouth and paused before speaking, "i think you're really genuine... and funny. i always look for a good sense of humor in a friend."

"i appreciate that, i think you're funny too," i said.

"thanks finn.. and i really like everyone else too. i think sadie is very relaxed. i like that," she looked out into the sky and paused. she was trying to choose her words wisely.

"you can say whatever you want, my lips are shut," i said genuinely.

"sometimes i'm in a partying mood, and sometimes i'm more reserved. and i guess, sadie fits well into both those aspects of my personality. millie and noah are very outgoing, you know? it can be overwhelming for me to have that 24/7."
"i'm the same way honestly, sadie is one of my favorite people to be around," i could tell she had taken quite a liking to sadie.

"she's also beautiful, the tv screen doesn't do her justice," y/n remarked gesturing dramatically.

"do you have a thing for her?" i asked.

"is it that fucking obvious?" she covered her face with her hands.

"well i mean, you seem to want to talk about her a lot, so yeah."

she uncovered her face and could barely look at me, "typically no matter how much i talk about girls, people still think it's platonic. it's just the norm... i guess i thought you would think the same."

"i did watch you two kiss just a little bit ago," i smirked, "i could try to set you two up or something."

y/n bit her lip, sinking down in the swing.

"does she like girls like that?"

"oh totally," i paused, "and i think she's got some heart eyes for you to be honest."

i wasn't lying. sadie was constantly staring at y/n and i don't think she'd noticed how many times i'd caught her. i was going to ask millie about it after the party but i was pretty sure i was right even without millie's insight.

"you're lying finnie, but thank you," she closed her eyes, "and thanks for being cool about this."

"cool about what?"

"i don't know, girls who like girls..." she winced awkwardly.

"yeah, of course, y/n."

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